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"Well i'm Varian! Nice to meet you!" Varian said excitingly. "Varian huh? that's a pretty awesome name." Josie said sounding like a cool kid. "so Josie, what do you do for fun?" Varian asked. "oh...i don't usually talk about that." Josie said. "And why is that Josie?" Varian asked tilting his head. "well i don't really go out and talk to people much." Josie said. They got up to the castle doors and Josie opened them up. "i'm actually a princess but i am no ordinary princess, i am a princess guardian which means i am responsible for all the guests that come in here." Josie explained. "whoa! This is great, Josie!" Varian exclaimed. "well i try to keep it looking like it's brand new because we vam-i mean, we people don't like it dusty in here" Josie said as she faked out a laugh.  Varian then felt very suspicious about what he was going into. Varian went inside the castle doors and Josie followed. the doors shut and automatically locked. Josie went upstairs to the kitchen to make some tea and Spritz-kuchens (A fried German pastry similar to doughnuts). she made them pretty quickly in about 20 minutes. she walked down with the tea and pastries. "Would you like some tea and a treat." Josie asked. "sure i would love to." Varian replied. so he grabbed a Spritz-kuchen and a tea cup. he poured some tea inside the cup. -to be continued-   

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