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I liked keeping mu identity hidden, makes me feel as though my stories mine, and not out there for the world to hear. My face tells my story, the truth about who I am, that's why I keep everything masked, and nobody knows my name. Nobody.

It was dark out, dimly lit by stars and street lights, just how I like it, I can go unrecognised. At least that's what I thought. My foot slipped off the curb as another gang of boys threw inanimate objects towards me, things like oranges and eggs, why is every boy like this towards me? It made me anxious to walk towards the end of the street, where I saw another boy, alone, dressed in full black with his face lit staring at me. My mind wandered from the abuse I may get from him, and ended up thinking about his facial features, studying every section, especially his cheek and jaw bones. Wow.

As I got closer they got more evident, and lust over filled the fear of him... shit why am I thinking this? I don't even know him, 'get yourself together' is all I began to think as I took another step towards him, and he took one out, blocking the path.

"Umm... umm.. excuse me" I coughed up, speaking for the first time in around a month as I tried to step around the tall, bulky figure.

Instead of moving he held his arms out, latching his hands on to my arms and coughing up the words,

"Are you okay? I saw them throwing things at you?"

His voice was calm, gentle and warming, a voice of one of those who cares, it was different. But with a past like mine, trust is never built through a convincing question.

"Yes.. I'm okay, it's normal, thank you though."

I wriggled out of his grab, I was never up for conversation, no matter how genuinely gorgeous he was, that wasn't my style.

"Hey... come back... you're not very convincing." He yelled from behind as I heard upcoming footsteps from behind me.

Surely not... was I cared about?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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