The Ride Down

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Terrible pain rippled through her body all at once. It shocked her nerves and all she could see was darkness. She took shallow, rapid breaths, lungs grasping at any air they could get. There was a jolt, and everything was white for a moment. A high pitch whine filled her ears and she suddenly felt weightless. The pain left, the noise subsided, and her vision slowly came back. She was in a very dark place. Only a single light shone on a set of elevator doors. Where was she? With no where else to go, she stood and approached the doors. She raised a hand to push a button, but there weren't any. Staring confused at the doors, she was startled when they opened. Standing in the elevator was a tall man in a suit. He had green fly-away hair with a yellow streak in his bangs. He smiled at her.

"Hello Miss. My name is Clavis and I'll be escorting you down."


"To the bar."

"The ... Bar?"

"All will be explained when you arrive. Please, step inside. We mustn't keep our other guest waiting."

Other guest? Did she know them? She hesitated before entering the elevator. When she did the man pressed one of the unmarked buttons. The doors shut. There was no backing out now. She looked up at the green haired man. He only looked forward, his smile never faltered. She took a step away from him.

"There's no need to be nervous Miss ..."

" ... (Y/n)"

"Miss (Y/n). You'll simply be having a drink, if you want one that is, and playing a game."

She wanted to ask what kind of game it would be, but he had been very vague thus far and she didn't think she'd get any clarification from him. This man, Clavis, seemed like the dangerous sort. His smile was unnerving and just down right creepy. Why was he 'escorting' her to a bar? How did she get here? And what happened before she woke up? She didn't understand at all.

"Hm, it isn't very polite to stare Miss (Y/n)."

She jumped. Her cheeks turning the slightest bit pink as she turned away. The (H/c) haired girl didn't realize she was even looking at him. She began to stutter and fidget, embarrassed with herself. She quickly looked back when she heard him chuckle. His head tilted down to meet his hand, covering his mouth.

"Forgive me. I find it amusing when cute girls like you stutter."

Her blush increased tenfold. Cute? He called her cute. What the heck? She shut her gaping mouth and sharply turned away again. This man was being awfully open and causal.

"Truly, I apologize. You are quite the contrast from the last lady to come through here."

"A ... A contrast?"

"Oh yes. She was bitter. And had quite the mouth. Didn't leave a moment of silence the whole way down. Quite honestly I did not enjoy her presence. I don't think the results of her game were positive."


(Y/n)'s nervousness shot up. This 'game' she was going to play, obviously it's important. Is it dangerous? Dose ... Dose her life depend on it? Clavis mentioned another guest. Would she have to fight them?

"Of course you need not worry. I'm confident someone of your personality will do just fine. You seem to be a very kind lady, and one with a very good temper."

"Oh um ... Thank you."

He said nothing else. Just looked ahead and smiled. The elevator stopped with a ding. Slowly the doors opened to reveal an elegant hallway. The floor was covered with a deep, almost black, red carpet. The walls were beige with black trim across the top and bottom. Lamps shaped vaguely like flowers were mounted on either side of the hall, giving everything a dim tint of orange. (Y/n) hesitated. She still had no idea where she was. She looked up at Clavis, hoping he'd say something. He didn't. The man gestured her to step out. She did. The doors shut behind her, and the elevator, along were Clavis, were gone.

The Ride Down [Clavis x Reader Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now