Tales of the Iron Cross

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Part one.

Prussia rubbed his weary eyes. He had to leave today for the war front and hadn't been able to sleep at all. He rose stiffly from his bed and walked across the hall into Ludwig room, where he found the small boy trying to suppress his sobs.

Once Gil walked into the room Ludwig sat up and quickly dried his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." he stammered his lip quivering

His blue eyes were bloodshot from crying and his pale face red and blotchy.

Gilbert sighed and leaned against the doorway. Ever since he had found this boy on the battle field where Holy Rome died, he had done his best to protect him. He named him Ludwig, a strong name. He taught him a bit of the world, he taught him how to guard his emotions though he appeared only five or so. He treated him not as an underling, yet as his own brother.

And seeing his little brother, who did everything he possibly could to make him proud, crying, wasn't a good sign. Once Ludwig had been fencing with stick swords in the yard and his opponent had struck his and broken his forearm. This was the only fencing session Gilbert had managed to find time to see. So Ludwig with tears in his eyes and a quivering lip walked over to Gil, not a run, but not slow. As if he was doing his best to not run. He refused to let tears spill as he reached Gilbert, who was worried.

"I'm sorry I lost focus bruder." Ludwig said

Gilbert had then carried Ludwig back into the house and had his arm fixed up.

Ludwig was always doing his best to please Gilbert.

Gilbert strode into Ludwig's room and shut the door.

He sat on the bed and Ludwig started to move, but then stopped.

Gilbert picked up the small boy and placed him in his lap. He knew that's where little Ludwig wanted to go anyway.

"Luddy…" Gilbert faltered; he just couldn't do this emotional stuff!

"Luddy I know you miss me when I leave, but I'll come back, don't worry! The awesome me will return to you!" he said

Ludwig burrowed his small head into Gilbert's chest and hid his face while he tried still not crying.

"B-but what i-if you don't come back b-bruder? I-I'm not strong like y-you!" Ludwig said

Gilbert hugged Ludwig, he felt awful that this is how Ludwig felt. He couldn't promise he'd come back either.

The sun had shifted and now shown through the window and Gilbert shifted to rid it from his eyes.

Ludwig scurried off his lap and off the bed thinking he had done wrong.

"Ludwig come here, I just moved to get out of the sun." Gil explained

Ludwig cautiously approached the bed. Gilbert leaned over to hoist him up and his Iron Cross slipped out over his shirt. Landing outside hanging at the height where his heart was.

Ludwig looked at it, examining it with his eyes that seemed wiser than his age.

Gilbert got an idea. "Ludwig I'll be right back, stay here!" Gil dashed into his room and threw open a battered chest and grabbed a cloth wrapped object before running back into Ludwig's room.

Gil sat on the bed and pulled Ludwig onto his lap handing him the package.

"Open it." Gilbert said a faint smiling playing on his lips.

Ludwig sniffled and complied, carefully unwrapping the cloth from the object inside.

When he did a gleaming Iron Cross lay in his lap.

Before Ludwig could speak his gratitude Gilbert took of his.

"See, this is a symbol of strength and pride. I have mine, and now you yours. While you wear it you promise to be strong. You also show that you are strong by wearing it. But we're brothers Luddy, double trouble eh? Not this time, together we're double the power, double the strength. I have mine and you yours, so if you need strength look to your Cross, and if I need it, I'll look to mine. Why, because we are brothers and we help each other out and keep each other strong. And now, look at the back." Gil said

Ludwig turned in over, his cubby hands fumbling over themselves.

The back had faintly engraved 'Gilbert' in a fancy script.

"See, you put it on." Ludwig did so smiling brightly.

Gilbert adjusted the chain leveling it so the Cross was at the general height where his heart would be.

"See now Luddy? Even when I'm gone I'll be with you. Right here close to you and close to your heart." Gilbert said

Ludwig broke into a very wide smile and hugged Gilbert tightly

"Danke bruder!" he exclaimed happily

"Ja, you're welcome, mein bruder." Gil said smiling and hugging his back.

Tramping of boots in the courtyard below signaled it was time for Gilbert to take leave.

He stood "Remember Luddy, stay strong, and should you need strength look to the Cross, look to me." Gil said standing near the door.

Ludwig nodded, lump in his throat. Gilbert dashed out the door to join his troops.

"Und stay with me and near my heart bruder." Ludwig said holding the Cross tight

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