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Today had been terrible. You woke up and you were already late to work. Then at work, your boss was in a bad mood. He yelled at you and even threatened to fire you. So when you came home all you wanted to do was get in bed with Harry, but he'd be home later than you tonight.

Stripping from your clothes and putting on an oversized shirt was the first thing you did. Then you crawled onto Harry's side of the bed. His pillow smelled like him and that just made you feel lonely. You just needed Harry and then your day would be a thousand times better. You looked at the clock and saw that it wouldn't be another hour and a half until he got home, so you decided to call him. Harry answered your call on the first ring.

"Hi baby !" he said happily, he always loved getting calls from you.

"Hey honey. Is there any way you can come home early tonight ?" You asked while trying not to burst into tears.

"Yes of course I can, love. Are you okay ?" He asked, voice laced with worry.

"No not really." You quietly responded.

"Sweetie, what happened ?" He asks you.

"It's just been a bad day. I love you and I just really need you with me right now. Please come home to me." You reply shakily.

"I'm on my way love. I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you too." He says and then hurriedly ends the call.

It took him less than fifteen minutes to get home although it seemed way longer than that. You couldn't hold your tears back any longer. You just wanted him to hold you and tell you everything was gonna be alright.

"Baby ?" Harry calls out as soon as he walks through the door. You mumbled a quiet 'upstairs' though he indeed hadn't heard you.

Harry quickly runs up to your bedroom to see you. He finds you curled up in a ball on his side of the bed. He can't help but think how cute you are before he notices that you've been crying. He rushes to your side whispering 'baby' over and over again to try and get you to calm down. He picks you up and slides into bed with you in his arms. You stay curled up in his chest for hours until you finally stopped crying and eventually fell asleep with him holding you tight against him the whole time.

Yes, Harry loved to be the little spoon, but the nights when you were like this and he was the only person able to comfort you were the nights he cherished most. Apart from the intimate nights you shared with each other of course.

Harry Styles Imagines.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ