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Cinemas around the world witness countless lovers using their seats as ruses excuses to be with each other.

They find themselves in the same situation that night.

Theresa cannot even tell if the movie, one she had been looking forward to watching, was any good. The nervous boy seated next to her made it impossible to actually concentrate on the moving picture. They leave the theatre silent enough to be heard from a foot away.

"So, Jake, what's up?" She flashes him a brief smile by the theatre hall.

The slip of a smile that graced his lips, slips. He turns to her as he kneads his nape.

"Right, so u–um, I," his hands slacken as he regards her wearily. "Theresa, I don't quite know how to break this to you."

She chuckles at his nervousness. "What do you need to tell me?"

"Let me just say that I was really naive not to realise this earlier but, believe me when I stress that I had nothing to do with it. Still, I should've done something about it earlier but I wrote it off as nothing and for that, I am truly sorry. And if it makes you feel any better, this is not the first time," he looks down to kick a stray piece of litter on the red carpet floor.

"Jake, what the hell are you going on about?"

"I'll just go out and say it," he exhales loudly. "Stephan's cheating on you."

She winces. Likely not due to the reason he thinks. All Theresa can do is frown at him.

She *knew* his perception of her relationship with Stephan would lead to some sort of shit. Now all that's left is damage control.


"You don't need to say anything, I so sorry. I hoped it wasn't true – a woman should never have to go through this, especially, considering he's been unfaithful with the lowest scum possible," he looks away as if he can't bear to deliver the final blow.

She freezes.

"With a whore," he chortles. As if he sees the absurdity in the claim, really.

She sees only red, really.

"She's called May, that's all I know about the fucking cunt." A pause in their conversation suspends meaning."Theresa, aren't you going to say anything?"

"Yes," she whispers. "Yes, I will...I'm the whore, Jake."

He freezes.

She hails a cab and leaves his sickened face on the sidewalk.

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

so guys, about this immense delay!

sorry, I am at a summer program and these get REALLY busy (I had planned to stock up chapters before leaving home, but it was not possible)...

I post as soon as I can write these days!

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