Chapter 2

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A few weeks had passed, and the Cons have been quiet, which had put everyone on edge. Though, while things were quiet, a small stable had been put inside the base for Oreo when Skylar brought her, and Optimus would haul her Goose-neck horse trailer for her and she didn't need to use her pickup as they went to shows as Skylar had competed a lot. That's how she kept paying her bills when she couldn't do the training during winter.

"Hey, Optimus, watch Skylar!" Miko said from her place on the loft.
The bots had built Skylar her own 'arena' of sorts in an empty room that the loft was attached too, and the bots entered the room to see what Miko was yelling about.
Skylar had the horse galloping around the arena as she was jumping off while holding onto the saddle and her feet hit the ground for just a moment as she pulled herself back up and did it all over again.

"What the frag is she doing?" Bulkhead asked in confusion though no one answered him as Skylar started her next trick
Skylar put her feet in the straps on each side of the saddle horn and she stood up and with her back bent slightly backwards as she leaned forward as the horse kept galloping and she put her arms out, laughing a bit.
"This one she is doing is called the Hippodrome" Optimus said as he watched her, a small smile on his usually stoic faceplates.

Skylar got back into the saddle with her feet in the stirrups. She then had Oreo slow to a trot and then down to a walk and she guided her over to where the others were watching "how was my form this time Optimus?" she asked
"Much better. I take it, your leg is feeling better?" Optimus replied as he knelt to her height
"Yeah. I'm determined to not let that damn fall get the better of me" she said and she got down from Oreo.
She grabbed the reins and lead her to her stable and she put Oreo in her stall and got the horse some food and water.

"Optimus, sense when do you know what...tricks the child is doing? And why are you letting her do something so dangerous?" Skylar heard Ratchet say and she glanced at Optimus, who had his back to her
"She is my charge Ratchet, an she isn't a child. And if I thought it was too dangerous, I would talk to her" Optimus defended, which make Skylar smile.
She is happy her guardian understood that what she liked to do made her happy and wasn't too dangerous
"Humans have been killed doing what she does" Ratchet said after a few moments, having had to search the internet.
"Don't, you think I don't know, what I do is dangerous Ratchet? Everything in life can be dangerous but I'm not the kind to hide from every danger around" Skylar said, walking over to them, not happy Ratchet seemed to think she didn't understand what she was getting into. Besides she hated people talking about her behind her back
"Oh...and Ratchet? Next time tell me to my face what you think about my choices, not behind my back" She said, and she smirked a bit as she left the room, knowing she won the argument.
Skylar walked into the main room and she walked up onto the loft and she sat down on the couch and she let out a sigh as she pulled the ribbon that held her hair up, out of her hair, her long hair cascading down her back and she relaxed on the couch, tired.

"Skylar, would you like me to take you home?" a deep voice asked and made Skylar smile
Skylar looked at Optimus and before she could answer, the computer was alarming about Con activity. "It's okay, big guy, you guys need to handle that" Skylar said with a smile and she watched as prime gathered his team and once they left she saw Miko and then the boys run through the portal.

Skylar let out a groan, hating to do this, but she ran forward and through the portal and on the other side was a battle and she darted left and hid by some rocks
"Miko...I'm going to kill you" she muttered, and she then saw said girl and she took a deep breath and ran through the middle of the battle, jumping over peds and rocks, dodging blasters and she jumped over the rock to the kids
"alright, let's go you three" She said, and she grabbed Miko's arm and she had Raf get on her back and she held Jacks hand and began running towards the forest nearby to get them to safety.

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