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"no! stop." seungri rolled off of jiyong, hitting the hard rug.

jiyong sat up with a confused expression, his face scrunched and his hand making the "bruh?" gesture. he stood up to help seungri by putting out his hand.

seungri looked at it and used his own hands to get up, and buckled back up his overalls.

"babe?" jiyong was kinda worried. hes only seen two types of seungri. "commanding" seungri, and "i dont really care but dont hurt me im fragile" seungri. now it was commanding seungri mixed with mad and, sad?

seungri looked up at jiyong with an expression describing angry and a rude "what?"

"why are you mad? i came here to ask you a question. but you made me hard and i can't control after that. plus, you were the one that kissed me."

seungri scoffed, "yeah 'kay. i just have a bad experience with sex, okay."

"how so?"

"with seung hyun."

"you dated him? i thought i would've been your first." jiyong pouted.

"yeah i did. we've been in the same school for four years, how did you not know?"

"i don't pay attention to high school drama you shouldn't either. but what happen?" jiyong was very sceptical.

"he used me for pleasure. i knew he was doing that to me. but i loved him. and when you love someone, you never wanna let them go." seungri explained.

jiyong wanted to punch seung hyun in the balls for letting his baby go thru that. but jiyong also wanted to smother seungri with kisses to take his pain away. "since its confession day, i used to date girls." jiyong said, while standing up to go outside.

as he made it outside, being very mysterious, seungri raced after him.

"where are you going?"

"to beat up seung hyun."

"kiss me first, please."


it wasnt hard for jiyong to find seung hyun's house, recalling that they were neighbours.

sorry if jiyong or seungri don't seem like how they did before. you can either count that as character development [but i'm pretty sure they wont stay that way] or because while writing this i didn't feel like myself so jiyong and seungri didnt either

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