The fight

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You were sitting on the ground watching helplessly as your lover and your kidnapper fought. Error was easily winning. "FunNy! I tH0UghT swAPfelL wAs stR0nGEr!" Error laughed as swapfell sans struggled to stay up. Roughly at the end they went to different sides and shouted. "Who do you pick?!"

You immediately ran to Swapfell sans but error pulled you back. "LooKs LiKe shE chOse ME!" You bite his hand that was holding you only to make him throw you across the room making you pass out.

You woke up suspended in the air by strings holding your soul and arms. You hiss in pain by a crack in the back of your head from hitting a wall and you see on the ground far below you has a puddle of blood. You must of been unconscious for atleast two days for that to happen. (Note: the blood was dripping from your head that's how the puddle formed) Then you see Sf sans, bloody (or 'bone marrow covered') and unconscious... He lost the fight but isn't dead.

Thank toriel for that.
(Swapfell version of thank god.)

Caught in your strings (error sans x fem reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora