New Neighbor

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I woke up around the afternoon because I was up all night texting my bestfriend, Cade. We've been friends since kindergarten and he's been like my personal body guard for years. Anyway, enough about him. I got up and hooked up my iPod to my radio and turned "Love in America" on, so cleaning up this room wouldn't seem so bad. 

Oh! Where are my manners? I didn't introduce myself. My name is Logan Wright. I'm 5'3 with big, curly sandy brown hair, that I dyed to get it that way of course. I'm sixteen and I go to Madison Prep. I have a younger brother and I live with my mom and dad.

As I danced around my room, sweeping and basically just throwing everything under my bed, I stubbed my toe on the corner of my bed. Fuck, that really hurted. When I fell to the floor, rubbing my pinky toe, I looked under my bed at a really old picture frame. I pulled it from under my bed and glared at it. It was a picture of Cade and I. My eyes shifted to the left of the picture and I saw my brother on the side, eating ice cream. What a fatty.

The next song played, which was "Spaceman" and I threw the picture on my bed and started lip singing. 

A few minutes later, my mom came in and turned off my music, "I need to tell you something important"

"Is it important enough for you to turn off my music?"

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, it is. Look, I don't want you going outside that much anymore without supervision"

I dropped my hairbrush and folded my arms, "I'm sixteen, I think I can look after myself in certain situtations, mom"

"I know, but I also know that you like to walk around the neighboorhood by yourself as well. A sex offender just moved in down the street"

I fixed my face, "Really?" 

She nodded and handed me the paper. He was light skinned with full lips and his name was Braylon August, and he has two tattoos. One on his arm and another on his chest. And According to the paper, he just made seventeen a few days ago. Wow, he's young.

I handed the paper back to her, "Please take this away from me" I had just about enough of that. She bald it up and threw it in the trashcan next to my bed. "Just be careful" she warned me, before she left out. 

The next day, she sent me to the store to go get Snicker bars so she could make milkshakes for her, Cade and Sebastian and I. When I walked in the store, I saw the dude my mom told me about yesterday. He kept staring at me and creeping me out. When I got the snicker bars, I stood in line behind him. I was a few feet away from him, just in case he tried something. 

He turned around to see who was behind him and looked down at me, "I'm not gonna touch you, so you can stop acting like you're a target"

"Well, excuse the fuck out of me then" I mumbled.

When I got home, what happened was all I thought about. I'm mad that he actually told me that. It's not my fault, you don't have friends. But what I'm really mad about is the fact that he was cuter in person, than on the paper that my mom showed me. He literally looked like a regular kid without an over cooked reputation. He dressed like one too.

"What's wrong, mini me?" asked Cade, while chewing on one of the Snicker bars. I pulled him down the hall, "You know the sex offender that lives down the street right?"

Cutting to conclusions, he asked, "He raped you? Are you okay?" he felt my face and lifted strands of my hair. "I'm fine, but he was so mean"

"I mean, if I went to jail for some years, I would be pissed too. What did he tell you?"

I'm easily offended, and by the look on Cade's face, he knows it couldn't be much. "Nothing, don't worry about it"

The next week, I went to the park and sat at the table, texting Cade. We made plans to come here and play around, but as always, he canceled plans. I rested my head on my arm and went to my Twitter app on my phone. 

I felt the table move a little. I guess someone decided to take a seat in front of me, probably feeling the same. "Hey, I'm sorry about the other day"

Ignoring whoever it was, I continued to tweet on my phone. "Hello?" the voice repeated. Seconds later, they tapped me on my arm and I finally looked up. It was Braylon. I looked around only to find out that no one was in our surroundings. "I'm not allowed to talk to strangers, especially rapists" I got up and started down the street. I looked back and saw him shake his head and put it down on the table. Maybe I was a little too mean. Wait no, he's a rapist. He didn't care about that girl's feelings when he raped her so, I shouldn't care about how he feels about my insult. I looked back to see if he as following me, but he was gone. For the rest of the walk, I looked around to see if he was hiding anywhere. Almost everywhere I go, he's there. Why? Just go away.

When I got home, I didn't tell anyone what happened. If I did, my mom and dad would keep me inside and I knew eventually I was going to want to go outside again.

When dinner time came, I kept thinking of all the different ways I could go so I wouldn't run into him. Yesterday was too easy. He could have snatched me right then and there. Speaking of which, I was wondering why he didn't try to. Maybe he saw someone looking from a distance. Or it could be the fact that the park is surrounded by houses with windows that have a perfect view of the playground where we were sitting.


I know this isn't that long, but it's just a little peek of what this story is about. 

Tell me what you think about this one and if you all like it, I'll continue to upload on this one as well as "The Wild Ones" :D

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