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The Rocinante

"Amos is there a reason you wanted to come here" Naomi asks me, Holden and Alex look at me

  "Shouldn't you be watching the landing" I say to Alex ignoring her question once again. I hated not telling her but, I didn't know how to explain it.

  "Shouldn't you be telling us why we're docking at Ceres?" Alex says looking back at his control panel.

  "Just know you can always talk to me.. all of us" Naomi says her brown eyes feeling like their burning Into my soul

  "I know and I will I promise" I say leaning back against the chair, as we begin landing, again as I close my eyes I feel his presence, I can feel his hand on my shoulder

  "I'm still alive please save me" I hear him say and I push back tears, as the Roci finishes it's landing and we all unbuckle and I head straight for the cargo door

  "What's going on with him" I hear Holden say

  "He will tell us when he's ready" Naomi says, she always has my back

  Checking to make sure I had the right room number I head out of the ship and straight to my destination Joe's old apartment, I don't know why but I feel a pull to go.

   The air is musty in his old apartment, dust everywhere, but it seemed to not be bothered or ransacked.

  "Damn hoss am I the only one not getting laid" I hear behind me and turn to see Alex standing there

  "What the hell, did Holden put you up to following me?" I ask trying to keep my anger down

  "Calm down I thought of it all by myself, I just wanted to see what was going on with you"

  My first instinct was to tell him off but I knew he was just worrying about me and I promised Naomi I would work on my anger issues.

  "I guess so" I say chuckling as I turn and go over to his bed and sit down.

  "How long" he asks as he looks around and picks up one of his hats "damn why has he got so many" he says laughing

  "Since we first got to Tycho with him"

  He looks at me "so you weren't at a brothel you were with him" he says sitting next to me.

I nod and take the hat from him, and dust it off, trying to ignore Millers presence in the room.

"You ok"

  "Yeah... no... I'm not sure"

"It's hard when we lose someone close, especially in two ways"

"What do you mean" I ask looking at him

  "Well wasn't he in love with Julia at the end"

  "No he had a weird way of showing a father like caring about her" I say, thinking back to one of our many conversations.

  He doesn't push it, which I'm grateful

  "Listen I'll help you gather his things, momentous always help soothe the heart" he says

  "I've been seeing him" I blurt out, he looks over at me like I'm crazy

  "He keeps telling me he's alive and that he wants me to save him, I know it sounds insane, or like I'm going nuts but I think I'm not hallucinating I think he's alive and needs our help. I came here to see, see if something of use was here."

There's quiet in the room for what seemed like hours

  "I believe you, I don't know why cause your right on all accounts but I do" he says looking at me

"I will help you talk to the others to see if we can figure something out, but if we can't find a way or if he really is gone, I want you to promise you'll give me that date I've been asking about"

  I blush "I accept your terms"

"Good let's get packing, we will look through all the stuff on the Roci" he says standing up

  "Thank you" I say quietly

  "Yeah yeah your welcome now get moving and help me, being in these close quarters with you is giving me bad thoughts" he says

  "Damn you need laid" I say opening up the backpack I brought just for this

  "You think" he says putting a bunch of data discs into his pocket.

  After we collect basically everything in the room, minus the trash, I look around making sure there isn't anything I missed, but I see nothing accept his image leaning against the wall. Him looking at at a drawer I thought I had looked through.

  Going over to it I curse at myself for not noticing the fake bottom the first time, and find a data file, that looked like it might be some kind of "emergency contact list" but since it was hidden it must be only for moments like this.

   "How... never mind I don't want to know" Alex says at the doorway. Going over to him I take one last look around and the room is empty, not even his image lingers.

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