Chapter 1

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Y/N = your name

Y/N: *starts vlogging* wassup guys I'm Gucci and I'm back with another video today I'm goin shopping at the grove maybe I'll meet up with jack & jack and hang for a lil bit so let's go
Paris: *yells* maybe I'll meet 5sos there and I can date Calum or meet the vamps and date Brad
Y/N: *whispers* guys I haven't told her that the vamps and 5sos watch our videos on a daily basis they are true fans my dudes OK GUYS LETS GET INTO MY NEW CAR that I haven't showed you guys yet *turns the camera around* look at my new baby guys it a Lamborghini Aventador and it's black kinda grey but I'm getting it wrapped so comment what colour I should wrap it *whispers* Paris doesn't know that I meet up with 5sos and the vamps sometimes *yells* PARIS YOU SHOULD START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL
Paris: NEVER
Y/N: you suck dick *films for montage* ok guys we are at the grove *does a montage of when we leave the house, on the way to the grove and at the grove*
Paris: *decides to start a youtube channel while you're gone* *calls you while live streaming on younow* okay so I decided to start one.. Am I gonna regret this?
Y/N: no ur not my dude umm I'm hanging with jack & jack so I'll be home soon
Me: Yeah okay, see ya *hangs up and goes back to live streaming* soo guys, I think it might be time I actually try dating someone I know, I mean someone who would even consider dating me😂
Fan from Instagram and Younow: What about Calum tho??
Me: I think we all know he wouldn't go for me, if he even acknowledged my existence
Fan: Don't lose hope girl!
Fan: Hey what about Brad?
Paris: Again, same problem. Soo I'm going to try to score a date.. That sounds sooo weird guys, I'm not used to saying that. I hope I never get used to that
Fans: 😂😂😂
Y/N: ok guys come back to the house
Gilinsky: sure
Y/N: * arrives* what's up *yells to the live stream* yo guys what's up guys it's ya girl Y/N
Fans: omg it's jack & jack
Y/N: yea if you watch my videos they are in every single video
Paris: So Iz, I've just let my Pizza Fam know about my attempt at finding someone that will actually date me *does thumbs up* and I'm dying on the inside bc I doubt this'll actually work. Those idiots ruined me for anyone else. Oh hey papa G, hey Johnson
Y/N: Your comments are going wild dude
Paris: *looks at screen* whoa, guys why're you freaking out so much? Aren't y'all used to J&J by now?
Paris: Come again??
Y/n: fuck 5sos is here damn yo my Gs wassup text me
Luke: Hey, uh, everyone?😂 and hi Paris, wassup? That's how you say it right?
*fans comments*
Mikey: I'll get Ash to text you bc I'm not getting off the livestream just yet. This is a reaction worth watching
Paris: uhm. I don't know how to--
Cal: You're cute. I don't see how you have trouble finding irl guys to date you. You're actually out of my limit if anything
Paris: *reads comment* *splutters* I really need to get my eyes checked, my pepperonis
Fan: Ya she's overwhelmed. She never calls us pepperonis unless she's in shock
Cal: *replies to me* Do you? What's wrong?
Luke: He's an idiot I swear. Sorry about that
Paris: I.. Can't tell if this is real
Mikey: It is
Ash: *calls you to prove it's real*
Y/N: *answers* yo Ash wassup my pepperonis sorry paris I stole ur word and Paris I've been friends with the vamps and 5sos since a little bit before my youtube channel
Paris: If I wasn't so in shock I'd laugh and tell you to keep your own words but right now that can wait bc I think I'm about to die
Fan: Of what?
Paris: Death
Fan: Lol I love that you can still have conversations with us even when you have something major going on
Paris: Eh I just kinda wanna laugh really loudly which would turn into my stupid dolphin giggle or lock myself in my room for a while so I for embarrass myself further
Cal: *in comments* Nooo don't go
Cal: *over your phone on the call* THAT WAS LUKE
Mikey: Like the Adam Sandler movie?
Paris: *tries not to laugh*
Cal: Where'd her lips go??
Fans: She's trying not to laugh😂😂
Mikey: Wow you're dumb right now Calum
Y/N: oml Cal ur really stupid go to bed
Cal: Not until I get Paris's number
Paris: *starts having a coughing fit*
Cal: Fuck is she okay?
Luke: She did kind of just find out that you've heard everything she's said about you online.. And she's said some pretty sexual stuff which would be a little embarrassing now
Cal: It's cute though!
Paris: I'm going to die for a bit. See you pepperonis later *speed walks to my room*.

Ok guys this is my first book this is just random hope you like it. I'm very bad at this enjoy this is only the start

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