Chapter 8

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Jake's alarm clock started going off. For him, it wasn't much a struggle to get up judging by the fact he never even slept in the first place. As he smashed down the off button of the alarm clock he yawned.

He stood up and stretched and walked over to the bathroom. As Jake looked into the mirror he noticed the heavy bags under his eyes. He rubbing his face in water trying to wake himself up.

On the drive to work Jake debated on whether or not he should tell his group about Flamingo and his little meet up. It could help the case in some way but it could also end badly.

Jake pulled into the underground parking lot and signed in. He took the elevator to his team's office where Denis, Corl, and Elijah were already there.

Jake took his usual seat and waited for the rest of the team to arrive while he made causal conversation with the other team members.

"Morning fellas!" Sam cheered as he walked in the room with his metal suit case.

Close after Sam the rest of the team came in.

"Alright, time for another hard days work!" Sam flopped the case and all of their notes onto the table.

"Any new leads?" Leah asked as she removed her notes.

"I-I think I have one." Jake said raising  his hand slowly in the air.

"Well what is it?" Alex asked with his thick British accent.

"There's an old abandoned building on 11th street." Jake said looking down at his notes.

"How do you know he's there?" Leah asked.

"Never mind that, we have to start somewhere. Let's go gang!" Sam cheered as everyone sat up from their seats and tucked them in.

[A couple of minutes later]

"Everybody ready?" Sam asked keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel.

Once everyone had replied with a "Yes." Sam began to drive down the road.

As they were driving down the road while discussing tactics, Jake couldn't think straight for some reason. It was like as if something was messing with his head. He couldn't help but think about what Flamingo had said.

"Do you really like your job?"

That question just kept echoing in his head over and over again.

The car came to a complete stop and everyone got out.

"Take lead Jake." Sam instructed as they all followed behind Jake.

Jake led them all up the stairs. As they got closer to the designated floor they could hear screaming.

As they reached the designated floor Jake signaled for them to go on his count.




They bust through the mental door, their guns high in the air. In the room was Flamingo with his bright pink mask and another man who was dressed in a suit, tied up to a chair, that seemed to be tortured by Flamingo.

"Ah, Jake." Flamingo looked as them all as an evil smile crept onto his face.

"Who is this?" Jake asked as he gestured over to the man tied up in the chair.

"Chad Dundermin remember!" Flamingo clapped his hands together.

"Wait what?" Jake put his gun down to his side and walked over to Chad who was struggling to get out of the rope's grip.

"Chad, Chad is that you?" Jake looked at him confusedly analyzing his features.

"Wait no, you're joking right?" Chad started to laugh.

"What?" Jake snarled at him knowing he had a snarky comment up his sleeve.

"Jake, a secret agent? No fucking way." Chad began to laugh more which played with Jake's nerves.

"I'm trying to save you from this psycho and this is how you greet me?" Jake started to become frustrated at the situation.

Flamingo put his hand on his chest and jokingly pretended to be offended by what Jake has said.

"Come on Jake, take off the costume. There is so way in hell that you, Jealous Jake, could be a secret agent like let's all be honest here." Chad looked over at Sam and the others, trying to gain a laugh from them.

"Jealous Jake?" Russo pipped in curious too what Chad had to say.

"You didn't know? Oh yeah, Jake was always jealous of this girl because he had a crush on this guy, he was almost jealous of everyone. You have to be his property and talk to no one else if you wanted to be Jake's friend." Chad began to laugh more.

"Wait Jake, you like guys?" Russo asked looking at him confusedly.

Jake smacked Chad across the face before he could say anything more.

"Instead of just standing there, HELP ME!" Jake yelled in anger at his team.

"Ah, ah, ah not so fast." Flamingo pulled out a much sharper blade and held it in the middle that split them from everyone else.

"I want Jake here to kill him or I will kill you all." Flamingo smiled.

"You want me to kill him?" Jake asked.

"Yup! Or I will gut your little team here like a fish!" Flamingo twirled the blade around in his hand.

Jake looked over at Chad he was still silently laughing to himself. Jake snarled at him and spat at him.

"Come on Jake, you know you want to~" Flamingo looked over at Jake who was towering over Chad.

He held his gun up to the middle of Chad's forehead.

"Do it Jake." Flamingo said again.

Jake just looked at Chad.

"Jake come on." Flamingo said getting a little impatient.

"FUCKING DO IT ALREADY!" Flamingo screamed.

Jake pulled the trigger and a loud bang echoed through the whole building. Everyone jumped back at the noise. Jake opened his eyes and saw Chad, blood oozing out of his forehead and on the floor.

"Good job!" Flamingo clapped his hands in delight at Jake's actions.

(To be continued...)

A/N: sorry for no update yesterday, I was having intense writers block. Anyway, have a nice day! ~ Sam

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