Chapter Two: But Maybe, She's Crazy

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Two weeks after the phone call, Justice was packed and on her way to meet up with the tour manager. Luckily it was starting in her home state, so she only had a couple hours of driving instead of days. When she shot the tour of a fairly unknown acoustic musician, she had had to drive from LA to Montreal, Canada. This was a much nicer deal.

It was about a two hour drive to get to the hotel the band was staying at. The show wasn’t for another two days, but she figured she should at least meet the boys and opening acts before the tour actually started. As a photographer though, she wasn’t required to be there until the morning of the first show. That was one perk to not being a musician. She didn’t need the months of practice before hand to take great pictures.

Parking her car near the back of the lot, she locked her doors and started for the hotel. Two tour buses were parked near the building along with scattered groups of girls lurking around, confirming that it was the right place. Justice entered the lobby, noting its minimal decoration, and saw the tour manager chatting with the desk clerk. As she walked over to him, the elevator opened. For a moment Justice was surprised to see four girls, but when they simply pressed another button instead of getting off, she understood completely. They were just a few of the Directioners that she had heard about. Clearly they were hoping to bump into one of the boys, but Justice knew from her time on the road that they wouldn’t catch them there. They’d be in the service elevator, not the main one.

“Oh, excuse me,” the man said, turning away from the desk clerk. “You must be Justice Linds from Captured Photography.”

“Yeah, that’s me,” she replied, a hand rubbing the back of her neck. “You’re Paul Higgins, right?”

“The one and only,” he stated, reaching a hand out to shake hers. “You have all the details of the tour and such?”

“Yep.” Pulling at the bag, she motioned that the documents were with her. They were in a black folder in the bag beside her camera. She hardly went anywhere without her camera.

“Well then why don’t we go meet the boys?” Justice nodded and followed the man to the back service elevator. The halls were pretty empty, but it was early just about eight in the morning, by noon the front of the hotel would be covered by girls wishing for just a glance of the boys; a few would probably end up wandering the halls to find their rooms. “I’m pretty sure Liam is up, maybe Niall. Don’t know about the others though, but rehearsals start at ten so they should be getting up anyway.”

“Alright,” Justice said, glancing around the shiny elevator. Her reflection stood before her slightly blurred, but clear enough to make out her onyx black hair and the grey beanie that was pulled over it. Tugging on her graphic Tee, she could barely make out the words ‘Defend Pop Punk’. “Do they know I’m here?”

“Yeah, told them yesterday, but I don’t think it registered really,” the man said as his reflection glanced over at the girl. The elevator opened and soon they were at a door. Paul knocked then waited as someone moved around inside.

“Coming,” a voice yelled from the other side of the door before it opened to reveal a young man around eighteen. “Hey Paul.”

“Morning Liam,” Paul replied before motioning to the girl beside him. “This is Justice Linds. She’s the photographer that’ll be on the tour.”

“Oh, pleasure to meet you,” the boy said opening the door to let them into the room. Two beds were inside, one was made while the other had a boy still in it, blonde hair the only indication as his head was turned towards the window. “Come in. Niall’s still asleep, but he said something about getting him up for breakfast last night, so might as well wake him up.”

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