Chapter 1

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**Buzz** Buzz** Buzz**


"ughhhhh, oh my god is it 8 already?"

I flip over and look out the window and sure enough the sun, it's shining extra bright today. Strait through my white curtains. I need to get blinds.

I get up, and walk over to my dresser and pull out some nike leggings and a big t-shirt, that says US Soccer. Once I pull those on I walk to the bathroom and do my hair in a high pony.

"Good Morning Sunshine!" Says my Mom. 

"Good Morning" I say groggily. Because who is actually able to communicate at 8 in the morning?? Well my Mom can because my Mom is like a perfect specimen, with long beautiful blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Some say I look like her, but I don't. I have short blonde hair down to my shoulders, blue eyes, and pale skin. My dad and my brother are the complete opposite. They both have tan skin and dark hair, with Grey eyes. I know beautiful right? Grey eyes, why couldn't I get those:(

I go to the kitchen and put some pancakes on my plate, then go sit down at the table. My Mom follows after she finishes cooking. 

"Where's Dad?" I ask. "Oh probably still in a meeting with Alpha Jackson." she replied.

"And Aaron?" 

"The same, he has started training for the Beta position, you know? He's getting bigger everyday." 

My mom was right, my brother is getting buffer and growing everyday, its insane. I mean I stand at 5'9 and I'm  21. He's only 17 and is 6'0. It's crazy. 

"Alright thank you Robert, also make sure your family is prepared for Alpha Bane's arrival tomorrow" Said a deep voice. I look up from my plate and of course the person talking is Alpha Jackson. Only he has a voice like that. 

"Yes Alpha." Responds my Dad. Alpha Jackson then turns to look at me. 

I quickly look away and start eating again. 

"Serena, darling. How are you and Nick?" I look up again from my plate and look Alpha Jackson in the eyes. Alpha Jackson suggested that Nick (The delta of the pack) and I should get married and mate, since we have both yet to find our mates, and Nick is hot. He has Tan skin, light blonde hair, and Brown eyes. Standing at 6'3. Wowzers.

"Very well Alpha. The wedding is set for December." I responded, while looking back down at my plate. 

"That's wonderful! I'm looking forward to it."

"Thank you Alpha"

"Farewell Ross family" the Alpha says as  he walks out of the house. 

We all respond with good bye, then my dad and my brother sit down at the table and start eating. 

"Why is Alpha Bane coming to visit?" My mom asks in a worried voice. Alpha Bane is something to fear, he's unpredictable and has the most powerful pack, they call them the Night howlers. So him coming to visit is of course something scary, we don't want to be on his bad side. 

"To look for his mate" my dad responded in a quiet voice. Very quiet, like he didn't want me to hear. After he said that my Mother looks over at me. "This pack is the only pack he hasn't been to yet. It's his last stop" My dad continued. 

"Does he think she's here?" My mom whispered. 

"I don't know, but Alpha Jackson...." My dad then looks over to me again. "Thinks it's Serena". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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