Chapter 2

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"Well I guess this is goodbye then."

I said to my parents.

My mother embraced me. "You understand right darling, we wouldn't do this if we didn't have to." She said to me. I didn't return her hug. "Yes you would." I whispered. She gasped and let go of me and I looked at my father. "Father." I acknowledged him.


"Killua." My eye twitched and I looked behind me and of course it was tthe annoying boy with the white hair otherwise known as Killua. "It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Zolanski." He said taking my mother's hand and kissing it. She blushed. "I could say the same to you Killua-kun." Killua let go of my mother and and shook my fathers hand a fake smile plastered on his face. I frowned. Suck up. "Could I have a word with my wife?" I cringed at the use of the word. "Sure we were just leaving, Marrian lets go." My father and mother take their leave. I stare after them my eyes pleading for them to come back take me and run but I knew they weren't coming back. "I want you to meet my friends." I turned towards him. I sighed. "Whatever." I followed him to the old man, the "it" and the friendly spiky haired kid. "Guy's this is Roman, Roman this is  Reorio-." Killua said. "It's LEORIO! L-E-O-R-I-O" The man with the breif case said annoyed by the young boy. Killua shrugged with a bored look. "Killua, may I speak with you?" Killua robot mother said. He looked at us and then walked away. "It" smiled at me and held out "Its" hand and I took it. " allow me to preoperly introduce my self I'm Kurapika" "It" said to me.  I shook his and or her hand. "It's nice to meet you Kurapika-kun" I said with a smile. "It" kissed my hand and I blushed. "And I'm Gon," The boy in green said to me smiling,"but I bet you already knew that." I smiled at him it's hard not to and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you Gon-kun." "And I'm Leorio." Leorio says pointing at himself. "Nice to meet you Leorio Ojisan(Middle aged gentlemen)" "I'M FROM YOUR GENERATION GEEZ, I DON'T LOOK THAT OLD DO I?" I gaped. For realzies? "Gon! Do I look THAT old?" Gon looked the other way and whistled. I giggled. "GON!

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