#3: Awoken Hero...

503 1 527

A/N: This RP is Marvel themed 😊

The events of this roleplay can take place...

Choice #1: During or After Thor: Ragnarok

Choice #2: During or After Thor: The Dark World

Choice #3: During or After Age of Ultron

Choice #4: During or After The Avengers

Choice #5: During or After The Winter Soldier

Choice #6: Pick a different movie...

Choose Wisely....

(Please don't pick Endgame😭)

Choose Olivia's path!

Choice #1: She is a superhero (More details will be given of you pick this one)

Choice #2: She is a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

Choice #3: She is a villain (Same thing with the superhero option)

Choice #4: Make up your own! (Please ask me about it before though)

~Have fun!~☆

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