Part 2

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     The blaring ring of the morning alarm popped Cameron's eyes open. Rubbing the crust out from between his eyelids, he squinted at the white steel wall next to his head. It can't be morning yet. After a moment of laying there and grumbling, he swung his legs over the side of his bed and stood up, stretching. Sharp pain sparked across his rib cage and he winced. Grrr. Ever since that visit from The Flare and Batman, his cracked rib had just been getting worse.

     Unzipping his orange jumpsuit to the waist, his eyes passed over the now brilliant red rash spreading out from the mess of purple and black bruises marring his icy blue skin. He was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to look like that. Was it infected?

     "Hey, Jr!" Cameron's head jerked up, pulled out of his thoughts. The Brick was standing in the entrance to his cell. Bulging biceps stood out against his orange prison jumpsuit, sleeves torn off at the shoulders. Those muscles rippled as The Brick crossed his arms, and Cameron gulped in apprehension.

     "Ready for your serving of Fist and Foot today?" He grinned, exposing brilliant white teeth.

     Cameron winced. He stepped back, unsure of how to respond. The Brick began to squeeze his way into Cameron's cell, and Cameron stumbled backwards in a panic. The Brick grinned again, and flexed his biceps.

     "These babies are itching to show off their strength by pounding a traitor into bloody senselessness. Whatya say to that, huh Jr.?"

     Cameron felt cold metal beneath his extended fingers and whirled to find the cell wall directly behind him. The sound of a fist being punched into an open palm whipped his head back around to face The Brick as he stalked forwards, a sadistic glint in his eyes.

     "I'm gonna love this..." he whispered. Cameron clenched his eyes shut, awaiting the first he knew was going to pound the life out of his broken body.

     "Hey! You there! What do you think you're doing?"

     The sudden shout popped Cameron's eyes open. A dark skinned guard stood in the doorway, the remote that controls the inmates collars held out in a tight fist.

     "Nothin' sir," The Brick responded in mock humility.

     "Then get your lousy butt out of this here cell and follow me before I'm tempted to press this little red button!"

     The Brick nodded his head, but not before flashing Cameron one more quick grin. Cameron shuddered as the Brick sidestepped the guard and disappeared around the corner.

     "You too delinquent," the guard commanded, flicking the remote.

     "Yes sir," Cameron mumbled. The guard turned and disappeared after the Brick. Cameron made as if to follow, then paused. It's now or never. With shaking fingers, he reached inside his front pocket and pulled out the comlink. Deep breaths, deep breaths. With a thrill of mixed excitement and nerves, he pressed the little speaker inside his ear canal and flicked the button.

     "Batman here," a deep, husky voice sounded from the speaker. "Glad you finally put your brain into gear kid. We'll be sending a private jet your way in a couple of minutes. You'll be out of your prison in no time."

     "Uh yeah, yeah thanks," Cameron stuttered, crazed emotions still fluttering around in his gut. I'm getting out of here. I'm really getting out of here.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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