My Period

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It's an excuse for everything. No uterus, no opinion.

Cramps hurt like a motherfücking bitch. I feel like I'm giving birth to a fücking walrus.

My period is an excuse for everything once again. in dying. I just found the perfect position where I don't feel as bad. I'm mellow, in a good place. The light is shining on me and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm not getting out of bed unless I need food. Better yet, you should bring it to me. It's 3-7 days of constant blood pouring out your vooha.

Let me rest. I'll be active for the other days.

I hate when guys say, "Just because your on your period doesn't mean you can't do anything?"

Bitch what? Hold up.

You guys don't have all these raging symptoms. Mood awings, cramps, headaches, cravings. All you guys do have is controlling your urges. (I'm talking to you prepubescent boys entering the real world.)

So shut the fück up. I don't need your negative nagging.

Like I said before, "No uterus, no opinion."

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