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"Baby come on you need to sleep!" Mark heard a rustle from the other end of the line and a small groan from his boyfriend.

"I'm almost done just a little more." Renjun whined, trying to muffle his yawn to stop the phone from picking up the sound.

"I'm coming to get you okay?" he didn't wait for a response before hanging up; shoving on his boots and grabbing an extra hoodie, slipping on a snapback - even if it was one in the morning, he never went out without one - then double checking the lock on his way out. It wouldn't be the first time he'd left it open and come home to a stray Jeno sleeping on his sofa.

It was a short walk to Renjun's school, one he knew well from the countless times he'd had to drag his boyfriend home. Mark sighed, eyes following the misty tendrils.

The brown haired had always loved this time of night, crisp and just cold enough for his lips to go numb; it was a night like this when he first met Renjun, a small, shivering twelve year old rescuing a kitten from a tree. He smiled at the memory, reminiscing on how they had stood there for two hours trying to tempt it down. He'd never have imagined that, five years later, that same cat would sleep at the foot of his bed and finish the tuna that that same boy would always leave and that the boys shoes would lay in the hallway next to Marks own.

Thinking about it made him grin, silently thanking Bubbles for choosing that specific night to get stuck.

He pushed the door open, welcoming the warmth and flexing his fingers to get the feeling back. Heading straight for the art department, not needing to check which room: it was always the second one to the end on the left, with the moomin sticker in the corner of the window.

Mark knocked softly, the door opening with the small creak. A mix of the smell of oil paint and the scent of cold coffee - Probably coming from the numerous coffee cups lining the sides - hit him as soon as the door opened a crack. He covered a gag while entering, approaching the hunched figure he knew to be his boyfriend, wrapping both his arms round Renjuns waist and pressing a kiss to his neck.

Renjun jumped slightly, no doubt surprised, but relaxed into the olders hold with a mumble of "Markles."

"You sound so tired, come on we need to get you home baby." Mark felt the smaller shake his head and made a half-hearted gesture to the easle in front of him, the silhouette of a boy pointing at the stars taking it up, to Mark it looked done and, (of course) breathtaking but by now it should hardly a surprise to see his boyfriends work yet it still managed to take his breath away.

"You've been working on this since three this morning so I don't care what you have to say, we're going home even if I have to drag you." he tightened his arms round the smaller's waist, pressing his chest closer to Renjun's back.

All Mark got as a response was Renjun wiggling out of his arms as he shook his head, nearly falling over as he stood. (Luckily he was caught by Mark.)

"Renjun, your eyes aren't even open right now," Mark said flatly while pulling Renjun in so the younger could bury his face into his neck - which he did, leaving small kisses there too out of habit.

"Ish coulf vouf." he wasn't sure if it was the sleep deprivation or the fact that his face was pressed against Marks neck which made Renjun's speech almost untinillegable. He guessed both.

"I know it's cold outside but I brought you my hoodie and if you want I'll give you a piggy back to our apartment." he knew Renjun was smiling as he pressed closer, feeling him nod against his neck.

The brown haired pulled back and handed Renjun the folded sweater; watching him pull it over his head and a tired smile appear on the boys face when the sleeves covered his hands completely and the hood flopped onto his forehead. Mark didn't know what he'd done to deserve someone like Renjun but he knew it must have been something amazing.

He walked over and squished his boyfriends cheeks, pressing a kiss to his nose and laughing slightly, Renjun's eyes still looking like they were sealed shut as he pouted.

"You're so cute!"

"Nooo," he couldn't hide the smile on his face, as much as he tried to, "you're cuter." Renjun hardly realised he said the last part, close to falling asleep where he stood. The older pressed their foreheads together, leaving a lingering kiss on his boyfriends lips. Mark truly believed he could get high off of Renjun's lips, they weren't the softest due to Renjun constantly biting the but there was something about his mouth that Mark just couldn't get enough of.


"Sleepy." the younger mumbled , far past the point of full sentences, Marks steady footsteps not helping him keep the sleep at bay.

"Baby, you know you can go to sleep, I won't mind." he adjusted to a more comfortable position for them both and felt Renjun press his forehead into his neck, Mark smiling up to his ears.

He was so in love.

The walk back took a little longer than on the way there: Mark weighed down a little by the shorter and trying not to wake him by walking too briskly. Renjun stirred a few times when the older tried to shimmy Renjun further up his back but, other than that, it was a peaceful walk.

Opening and getting through the door was a struggle with Renjun on his back but he'd never dream of waking him up to make the job easier.

He walked to their bedroom, laying the black haired on the mattress, removing the boys shoes and socks and planting a kiss on his forehead before changing into his sleep wear.

Mark pulled Renjun close, the sleeping boy instinctively pressing his face into the olders chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head and whispered an "I love you" before falling asleep himself.


That took me wayy too long to write, especially for how shitty it is.

This was cringey and somehow I find fished this before the first chapter of the Chensung one I'm writing but thank to anyone whlooking read this trash ily 💕💕

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