My new room mate

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As I open the door my stomach goes into overdrive and I am basically standing there speechless, I scan the room for my new best friend. Unfortunately she is nowhere to be seen. I throw my luggage on the floor and walk into the bedroom. As tried to be as quiet as possible while being quick so that I could set up before the new girl walks in. I walk down the hallway and turn into the first room i see, its a tiny little room with a yellow feature wall, to be totally honest I was expecting the room to be bigger than it was. But i guess you only sleep there.

I turn around and walk into the next room i see. Its the next bedroom, it was a lot bigger adn the walls were a light grey colour. I ran to collect my bags and get set up. About ten minutes later I hear the clunk of the keys being placed in the door, I stand up, adjust my jeans and top and walk to greet her. I walk towards her, shes just like me, brown hair, brown eyes, quite tanned and really tall. Instead of seeming weird I thought I would give her a hand shake. "Hello my names Jane, niced to finally meet you!, I said. "Hi my names Elizabeth" she mumbled under her voice.

I offered to carry her bags to her room. As we were walking down the hall way she started asking some questions, so it is more like a get to know you session or 20 questions. Elizabeth seemed like a nice girl who was very much like me just very loud and sporty. I am more lazy and quiet. As soon as she had finished getting her room ready there was an annoncment over the P.A system. so we walked together. 

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