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(Kitty's POV)

I was currently Nash's house because him and Cameron where having a get together

"Hey can you get a soda for me?"Nash asked me I shook my head no

"Why can't you get it?"I asked him he turned his head away from me I pulled it towards me cupping his chin in a rough way he groaned

"Fine I'll get you your stupid soda"I said pushing his face he groaned I went inside sliding the door to the left to open them as I come in I hear a hard manly knock on the front door I walked over to the door

"Who is it?"I asked I heard a girly giggle but under it was a male voice

"It's Sam girl open up"The person said in the same tone

"Which Sam?"I asked curiously

"Wilk"He said in his normal tone I boult with excitement and open the door as soon as his face appears I jump on him wrapping both of my short tan legs around his boney hip

"SAM I missed you so much"I said giggling as he twirled me around and then later put me down

"Me too how are you?"He asked me I smiled and shrugged

"I'm super fine now that I get to see you... How are you?"I asked him he smiled and shrugged mocking me I squealed and hugged him again

"I swear I don't think you understand how much I missed you"I said he shrugged

"I have an idea I missed you just as much"He said kissing my cheek

"How long are you staying?"I asked him cuddling up in his arms

"I don't know mabey like a week"He said I groaned and he smiled again then I heard the door slide again we both look over to the door and see Nash standing out side of it with a Coke in his hand and his arms crossed I groaned yet again but for another reason

"Hey ima leave with you because I really have to go"I said he smiled and nodded taking out his phone

"Have to put up a photo with you so people can understand I'm reunited with my best friend"He said and put the front facing camera and basically had a photo shoot of silly photos of both of us

"I missed you so much Sam honestly"I said hugging him one last time before grabbing his hand and pulling him outside and out the already open door as we get outside I let go of him

"Look at who I found"I said and everyone made some type of noise I look around and see Matt trying to get my attention I walk over to him and sit right next to him both of us being the only ones on the couch

"What's up dude?"I asked him he liked over behind me and the back at me

"So Nash is really mad at you and Sam because supposedly he walked in and you guys were hugging and taking pictures and all that and you guys ignored him though the whole thing which is kind of messed up so I was the one that had to tell you and no one can look over here while I did"Matt said slowly and seriously I looked over at Nash who was on his phone I got up and walked over to him

"Hey"I mumbled he looked over at me and then back on to his phone

"I know your feeling this type of way or whatever and I want to talk to you"I say and them music started playing I groaned and pulled him off the seat he was currently sitting on at first he was ignorant about it but then came inside the house with me

"What do you want?"He asked me I rolled my eyes

"I want you to talk to me. If you have a problem with me and my bestfriend you come to me not Matt and go talk shit about us like grow the fuck up and grow a pair while your at it because that's sucking that you would do that do me"I said folding my arms he laughed

"You shouldn't be that close to a guy when your in a relationship acting like a damn thot and shit. You DO NOT notice it but you are always around guys and it makes me look like an idiot and now was the only time I said something and you going to overreact and call me name NO thats actually hilarious your hilarious"He said looking down at me

"You really called me a thot Nash... YOU CALLED YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND A THOT when have I not been loyal to you?"I asked him he chuckled loudly and walked out still laughing as he went outside I rolled my eyes we are never like this and I am so loyal to him I don't think its like he said it is I hug guys that's it that's isn't like making out OR having sex with them I shook my head and tried to forget about today and how it was I walked outside and sat next to Matt again

"What happened?"He whispered in my ear I shrugged

"He was being an asshole and called me a thot or whatever can't stand him right now and don't want anything to do with him"I said combing my hair with my hand and looking to the right of me where the pool was and how clean it was today

"He called you a thot?"Matt asked me u nodded

"I don't want to talk about it ... Well not now atleast actually no scratch that I don't want to talk about it at all"I said Matt nodded and continued talking to Carter while I started a conversation with Sam not to get Nash jealous if that's what your think it was to show to him that his words don't affect me and to catch up then Jack G got in the conversation

"Ok but if animals wore clothes then it would just be a waist"I said shaking my head Sam laughed Jack G got closed to me

"Ok but think about it ... It would be sick to like visit a farm where there are cows with SnapBacks pigs with Jordan's and dogs with onesies"He said pointing it out with his fingers I laughed and shook my head

"That would suck J it's where would it go when they finish using them?"I asked him he made a thinking face

"Other cows"He said pointing at me then I got another questions

"Why spend the money one something we are going to eat anyways"I mumbled he shrugged

"So they look cute"He said in a girls voice I laughed

"Your an idiot"I mumbled and went inside to get a drink then got followed by Sam

"Hey Sammo"I said he smiled

"I can look at you smile all day I think that you... Jack G and Shawn have the nicest smile"I said he chuckled

"There it is that million dollar smile"I said smiling

"Look whos talking but honestly that would be dope Kit if like you smile and then it rained a millon dollars?"He asked me looking up I laughed and smiled clapping

"All in singles to make it rain on them hoes"He mumbled pretending to make it rain I smiled

"Ok Sam we have to go outside"I said and pulling him outside but he stood in the same place he was before not moving anything but his longbow muscular arm towards me

"Kit... I think I like you"He mumbled I looked up at him and gave him a confused face

"But your like my bestfriend we can't be a thing plus I have Nash"I mumbled looking down he put his hands under my chin

"I heard him call you a thot... I was in the bathroom you don't deserve a guy like him... You deserve someone who will make you happy and treat you like.... Like the beautiful princess you are"He said whispering while staring at me with eyes full of love (crush really) and pointing to the door without breaking his stare then we heard the door slide he let go of me and leaned on the counter while I was in shock and couldn't do anything no boy has ever spoken to me like that .... Like they actually cared

"What's.... What are you doing?"Nash asked both of us coming towards us and shaking his head

"Nothing you always have to be assuming is going on don't you?"I said walking out of the kitchen and into Carter's room I don't know what I'm doing here or WHY I came here I'm just kind if shocked Sam said that to me I mean it was just so sweet and spoken correctly he is right but with Nash him calling me that was just a one time thing he cares for me a lot and I love him a lot it's difficult so think so many good things about someone who isn't so good for you and you knowing they are no good for you why me tho why me in this position all I want to do right now is be with Nash

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