Chat 4 - The Edge/Memes, Broken Friendship [AU]

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Ok Here is a 17/05/2020 Update note: Prepare for some cringe when it kinda comes to this Chat chapter and the next one.

It wasn't the best also I kinda changed my mind on some ships, so the ones I wrote down there... I don't really ship any of them (Bakugo x Hagakure especially nope); I kinda see KiriBaku/Bakushima and TokoAsui (Idk their ship name) more as BrOTPs so far.. Ojiro x Hagakure on the other hand..? Possibly back to shipping them normally again. 

(I'm still stuck in rarepair hell when it comes to Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Ashido, please help...)

Honestly I am fine if you ship them. Just respecting your ships from here on out, though I am not really doing romance in this weird fanfic anymore... it's more- humor and cracks? Idk

(If I were to look back on this again; I would've smacked myself or my past self if that were possible.)

(I'm still cringing to the "past" A/N I wrote in this chapter lol)

(A/N: Welcome an ODD WEIRD CRACKSHIP THAT I DON'T TRULY SHIP: Bakugo X Hagakure (KiriBaku is still OTP!!!!!!!!!!) I don't ship Ojiro X Hagakure and Tokoyami X Asui SORRY!)

(I might be BAD when I'm trying to write a few things "emotional")

EarphoneJackGirl: I am hearing lots of thunder right now, right? It better ain't Kaminari trying to fry his goddamn brain

OnePunch: M-maybe it isn't Kaminari but Kacchan know crazy?

HARD ROCK: If it's someone transforming into a titan..well I hope you better be alive my bois

Scotch Tape: Did someone just say...titan? SASAGEYO :o

HARD ROCK: Yes brudda

Pikachu Saitama: Hellla my bruddas, we must find da wae of SASAGEYO

EarphoneJackGirl: Isn't that meme dead?

Pikachu Saitama: Maybe? :3


KarateTails: SASAGEYO

EdgeBirb: l o l SASAGEYO

Tentacruel: bruh

OnePunch: What just happened?

KarateTails: To the person who metioned the series AoT, I hope you were just a big fool on watching it on full volume to make everyone believe that it was real thunder for shit's sake

HARD ROCK: Sorry? And are you okay from yesterday?

KarateTails: I don't really care 8aNYMORE9

OnePunch: Ojiro? Are you okay? I'm worried as you're one of my supported friends with Tokoyami and Kirishima, etc.

EdgeBirb: ................

EdgeBirb: Edge rules

Tentacruel: It does

KarateTails: ^^



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