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Every now and then I'd get this strange feeling as if someone were watching me or something would be out of place even though I happen to live alone in a quiet town where everyone knew each other. Sure it sounds like something any paranoid person would say, but it feels as if there is someone really there. I occasionally check my surrounds to reassure myself that I am fine and continue to move on. Every now and then my mind would slowly drift into what would seem to be another dimension, somewhere that compared to this life was considerably better, or so at least that is how it would look on the outside. I soon snap back to reality as I sit at my dining room table and slowly take an occasional sip of coffee, it was cold, I assume that I spent quite some time daydreaming again, what time was it anyways? I pick up my phone from beside my mug and it showed the time 0:00. "huh?" I was very confused as to what was going on, I just assumed my phone was acting weird and ignored it as I got up from the table I fell over and blacked out, I saw this face....this face I feel like I have seen before...I suddenly regain consciousness. After such a strange incident occurring, I decided to take my leave and go see some of my old childhood friends so that I could escape my mind for a while. We laugh and all share some good memories of the old times, I suddenly feel my blood rush to my head and hear someone whisper "Don't you remember me?", my body shivers at the sound of what seems to be a child's voice, I look over to my old friend Noah and he seems to avoid eye contact with me at the time...all of a sudden that same face from when I blacked out earlier appears in my mind, it was a small boy and I heard the voice once again whisper to me "Don't you remember me.." I mumbled  "Mason....", my friends heads quickly swung towards my direction..." dead...remember? He took his own life back in sixth grade..". Tear drops began to fall from my eyes, that isn't true, that can't be true. Noah, who is Masons twin brother, placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned close to my ear and softly said "Don't listen to that voice", I shook my head, confused as to how he knew that I was hearing this voice, I got up and decided to head back home. On my way back home someone tugged on my arm and pulled me into a dark alley way, all I saw was a dark figure standing above me, the man like figure moved closer and whispered "Everything you know is a lie, He is a lie...." My eyes widened and I became so terrified that I couldn't move..."what do you mean..", I asked hesitantly. Suddenly I felt his Immense gaze on me and I heard him release a small chuckle. This voice sounds so familiar....whose is it though..I can't seem to remember. The man leans close to my ear and chuckles darkly as he whispers "the Noah you knew is dead, he passed away in sixth grade in a car accident, wouldn't call it much of an accident though, he basically threw himself in front of a line of traffic" the man chuckled insanely as he once again opened his mouth and whispered even softer than before "come on, don't you remember me...your good old pal mason...or as you call me "Noah", " I was speechless and I couldn't move, it was if I had been paralyzed. Mason pulls away and softly caresses my cheek with the back of his hand  " I've been watching you all these years, hoping one day you'd love me the way you loved Noah", My eyes begun to tear up and I felt as if everything I knew was lie, like my life itself was a lie. Mason smirked at the expression that had appeared on my face underneath the street light, He moved in close and told me one last thing before disappearing....."the lies we once told have abandoned us".

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