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{12 years earlier}
"King Angoro! Queen Ansia is in labor!" A small servant boy says running into the council hall.

King Angoro stands up and runs to follow the little servant boy on his way to where the doctor was delivering their baby.

King Angoro had brown hair and blue eyes. He was a young man and very strong. His wife Queen Ansia was a fair skinned lady with brown hair and brown eyes. She was very small so when she got pregnant she didn't look that big into nine months of the pregnancy.

The small servant boy leads him into their bedroom. He hears his wife scream as she pushes in pain. "Ahh!" She screams as the king holds her hand.

The servant boy leaves. "It's crowning Queen just keep pushing." The doctor says getting ready for the new royalty to be pushed out. With one last push, a little boy is born.

The doctor wraps him up and lays him in warm water. "Now push one more time to push the placenta out." He says again. The queen pushes and is finished. The doctor washes the baby off and wraps him in dry blankets handing him to the queen.

"Virgil," The queen says smiling at her little prince. The king places a hand on her shoulder.

"It is time to announce to the kingdom." He says walking to the balcony. His servants blow the horn. "Everyone of Pangeran the queen and I have an announcement." Everyone stops what they're are doing to listen to the king. "Queen Ansia and I have just delivered our first son Prince Virgil of Pangeran." He says and everyone cheers.

The king and queen were very respectable people they treated their servants and townsfolk like family. They knew everyone personally from the beggars to the nobles.

King Angoro calls his best knight and his young son to their room. Sir George and his son Roman soon came into the room. They gave the king and queen presents and hugs.

George was a tall man with black hair and blue eyes. He was built like a warrior and his son Roman was built the same way.

King Angoro picks up Virgil and bends down to look at the young Roman. "Do you want a royal job? It'll be your first job as our youngest knight." The king says smiling at Roman.

Roman stands a little straighter. "Yessir." He says bowing. The king puts Prince Virgil in Romans arms. Virgil leans into Roman getting more comfortable and Roman relaxes.

"Prince Virgil will always need you to always protect him, Roman.  Can you be his knight for me?" King Angoro asks smiling at the awestruck look on Romans face.

Roman moves Virgil so he could be more comfortable. "Of course sir," He says smiling at the small baby in his hands. "I will always protect you." Roman whispers so only Virgil can hear him.

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