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Previously on Love on the Haunted Boat,
Ashley has went down stairs with Carlos and they haven't gotten back for two hours. Anna has gotten worried. Will she sneak up on them? Find out in this book of Love on the Haunted Boat: Enemies.
"Why are they taking so long" says Anna. "They have been gone for two hours. Maybe I should check on them."
Meanwhile in Carlos's sleeping quarters
"What are we doing here" asked Ashley. Carlos has taken her to his room.
"What do you think?" Carlos says in a very romantic voice.
"Oh you dog. Let's do it." Ashley replied.
Back up stairs
"What is that noise?" Anna asks herself. "It sounds like, something . It's coming from the sleeping quarters. I should check it out."
Anna put on her black, skinny, sleek jacket and slipped into the darkness of the sleeping quarters.
"They have to be in this one, it is the noisiest." She says to herself.
She opened the door and she found them. They were in bed together, still looking at each other.
"That was nice Carlos." Said  trancelike Ashley. Then she fell to the bed.
"Ahem" Anna coughed. Carlos looked at her scared.
"It isn't what it looks like! I can explain!" Screamed Carlos.
"Oh can you?" Said Anna sarcastically. "Start with the part that you guys are in bed together!"
"What is happening?" Asked Ashley. "Why am I in this bed? Ah my head."
"You drugged her!!? Really!!!?" Anna screamed.
"I'm sorry I had to, I was trying t...t...to get." Carlos stuttered.
"Get what Carlos," said the hysterical Anna.
He replied "More pleasure out of the two of you."

LOTHB pt.2Where stories live. Discover now