Chapter 2: Murder Capital of the World

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It only took 3 days to arrive in Santa Carla, California.

People are Strange plays on the radio as we pass the Santa Carla billboard. Mom starts singing along.

The car passes by some shops on the boardwalk with kids hanging out in the sunshine. A guy with blue hair stares at me through the car window.

Mom drives into the neighborhood in which we'll be staying in.

The house is a light blue with white trim. The front yard is bare and sidewalk looks like it's seen better days. Our neighbors certainly weren't within walking distance. Just over the hill I could see a red corvette parked in a driveway.

"Welcome home, Emi. Be careful when going inside. We don't know why this house sold for as cheap as it was." Mom says, pulling the car to a stop.

"Mom, I'll be fine, I promise. The house looks great."

"We'll see. I was going to get you a car, but since everything is within biking distance, I thought you could just ride your bike around town."

"Great, mom." I grab my duffel bag from the car and watch the last bits of the sunset before unlocking the house's front door, walking inside. It looked as though someone had lived here.


After unpacking the furniture and moving it around, I choose a room on the second floor. The walls are a pastel pink with white curtains. A large mirror sits to the right up against the wall, my true self showing. My eye sockets are little black holes and my flesh is a blackish red. This was the side of me I needed to hide.

I sort my clothes into different piles, sliding them into the dresser. Something clicks open, and I turn around to face the wall. I slide my hand up the sides and hear voices, and screaming inside my head.

I'm broken out of the trance by a doorbell ringing. I pick up on someone.

Mom opens the door to a man in a suit. He stands there with a plate of cookies in his hands.

"I'm Max. Welcome to the neighborhood. I thought I'd come say hi, since no one else has yet."

"I'm Abigael and that's my daughter, Emi. She's quite shy."

I pop out from the corner by the stairs and stand beside my mom. The man looks down at my 5'3 figure, analyzing me.

"Nice to meet you, Max. You'd better get going. Sun rises in a few hours." I say, joking around with the older guy.

"Emi, it's only 5pm. Go to the boardwalk and explore. It's fine."

"How old are you, Emi?"


"Looking for a job? I have a spot open."

"I don't know, maybe."

"I'm leaving in a few to get to the store. Come with me, and I can get you situated."

"Let me change first."

"Meet me out front when you're finished."

"Will do."

Meeting the head vampire went well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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