Chapter 1

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(I apologize in advance for any grammar errors. This has not been edited.)

Chapter 1:

Third Persons POV-

Once upon a time, the world was mostly filled with happiness and kindness. Everyone got along by the language of music. People laughed and danced and sang to their hearts content.

Once upon a time, One Direction were happy.


Zayns POV-

I walked down the stairs to the lobby of the hotel the boys and I were staying. It was decent, but I had higher expectations. But I guess it could do for the while we were here. From what I understood, we were only stopping here for about 5 days, performing a concert and a signing or something. Then we would be gone.

I reached the entrance, and the doorman nodded at me, giving me a slight smile. I walked right by. My addiction was getting the best of me, and it was probably better for their own sakes if I smoked before I actually communicated with any of them.

I quickly walk towards the pavement, and hordes of fans were yelling at me, trying to get my attention, but it instead of making me smile, it was getting on my nerves a bit. I gave them a tight smile, and a wave, hoping to satisfy them, but they were rowdier than ever, trying to grab at me. If not for the security near the entrance, I would have been mobbed.

Sometimes, these bitches were just fucking crazy.

One time, a girl had taken Harry's shoe, while he was performing, as he ha gotten too close to the mosh pit. The next day, there were rumors circling around that Harry had been screwing the girl, and that they were dating.

The girl was ten. What the actual fuck is wrong with this generation, I don't even know.

Another time, a girl stole Louis' plane ticket, 'accidently' bumping into Louis so that their tickets were mixed up. We had to end up riding in a helicopter at last minute to avoid missing the concert that was scheduled for that day.

And with Niall-

My breath caught, and I suddenly mentally broke down as I thought of Niall, and how angry he was with me at the moment. I didn't know exactly what the hell was going on that night. All I could remember about the 'unmentionable' night, was spending the day with Maya, for reasons I still don't understand, (apparently, she wanted us to spend extra quality time with each other) and ending up with her dragging me to a local bar and handing me many, many, many drinks. Until Niall had blew up one morning and reminded me of what he had walked in on, I had no idea what the hell had happened. As much as I wanted to blame all of this on Maya, I couldn't, because I knew it was a bad idea to drunk so much.

Who am I kidding? It was all my fault.  

My fault Niall wasn't talking to me anymore.  

My fault that he didn't talk as much anymore.  

My fault that I ruined One Direction, a band that the other members, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, and Niall Horan, worked so damn hard to bring to where we were.  

It was all my fault.  

And the worst part? I don't even remember most of it.

Did I regret it? With all my heart. If I could turn things back, I would and I knew it. But even I accepted the fact that I was getting addicted, not only to smoking and alcohol, but also to do everything management told me not to do. In fact, I hadn't even realized until now on how much of an ass I was being.  

Maybe they were better off without me, I thought ruefully.

While walking to the nearest coffee shop to get a expresso to keep my senses under control better, my phone buzzed, with a text from someone.

I took it out, and saw, with every negative thought suddenly circling around my head, a text from none other than Simon Cowell, the man who could end our careers quicker than anything else.

I stared at his text, which read,

'Hello Zayn, we need to talk about some issues regarding your behavior over the past few months. I'll be by your hotel room by 1:30 a.m. Be ready, Simon.'

A sinking feeling filled my stomach, as if all the warmth was gone and had been replaced by ice cube sliding down my body.

Simon could end my career in less than a second. So why did he want to talk to me now?

I wasn't sure I wanted to find out.

Niall's POV-

I walked over to Louis and Harry's flat, which they invited me to to play some video games, watch movies, and just hang out, above all. I was going to say no, but then Harry flashed me his disappointed face, and I crumbled like a cookie.

What is up with that boy? He can make anyone do anything. How the hell did Louis live with him without giving into Harry's every desire?

I reached their flat, and knocked on the door. Louis answered with a grin on his face, and a bit of a glint in his eye, which he only got when he was planning something.

'Come in Niall! Make yourself at home.' He said, ushering me in and locking the door behind me, depriving me of any exits.

Shit. I should have known this wouldn't be an innocent get together.

This was going to be hell.


A/N: Okay, I know I said that One Direction only consists of Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis. IT'S ON PURPOSE. IT DOES NOT MEAN I DON'T LOVE LIAM. BECAUSE I DO.

He might come up later on... Is that a spoiler?! :D

So.. What gonna happen to Niall? What does Simon want to talk about with Zayn? WHAT SHALL HAPPEN TO THEM?! Kay I'm done :D

If you want, you can vote, comment, fan... Do whatever the fuck yah want, ohkay?

I love you's :D

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