Jail cell

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(Autumn's Point of view/POV)
"Ugh my head" I said. Trying to get aware of my surroundings but it was hard to do that when under me was nice and soft like I could be here forever. It was relaxing besides the aching headache but as soon as I was about to nod my way to sleep when someone came bursting into the room. "You can't stay in that bed forever." The man said. He had a raspy voice his eyes where brown he had raven hair and he was pretty tall. I showed him a picture from my phone.

I turned over facing away from him and tried to go back to sleep when the man said

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I turned over facing away from him and tried to go back to sleep when the man said. "Your going to get up and listen to me." I looked at him and he had a smirk on his face. "You don't want to be hurt because I don't but if you don't listen we are just going to have to do it the hard way." He still had that stupid smirk on his face but I wouldn't budge and his smirk turned into a smile like a murderous smile and pulled a knife out and started to cut a hole in my cheek I was about to scream but he covered my mouth and I started to cry. He stopped and dried my tears. "Now will you be a good girl?" He was treating me like his pet but I had no choice if I didn't listen he would hurt me. I nod my head. "Good I don't want a pretty girl like you to cry or get hurt. Now Autumn if you would follow me." I looked at him in shock how did he know my name. "Where are my manners you can call me Zack for now and you are probably wondering how I know your name. Well I have been watching you for sometime now. You may think that is weird but every since I saw you I have a crush on you." He was blushing and he started to lend close and kissed me and I blushed a bright red. Than he grabbed my hand and started to lend me somewhere. "Now before I take you where I want you to go let's go find your friends." I completely forgot about my friends I can't wait to see them.
(Austin's POV)
"My head. Is everyone ok" I said. "Yeah" everyone said. "Wait where is Autumn" I said. "Well the kidnappers said they just wanted her" Jason said. Jason was right. I started looking around when I realized that we where in a cage like a jail cell I was cold like a cold winter day. There wasn't really anything in the room it was just some cells and a door. Just than a guy with brown eyes, raven hair, and was pretty tall came into the room with Autumn. When they came into the room he grabbed her hand like they were married or something and Autumn started blushing and he looked at all of us. Than he gave us a smirk and kissed her which made me furious and I gave him the death stare. Lilly was crying because her ship was broken. The guy and Autumn walked over to us and the guy was still looking at me just smiling it was creepy. "Why are you guys in a cell" Autumn said. "Ask your friend" I murmured. "OOOOOOO I think someone is jealous" Luke whispered to Jason. "Why would I be jealous about Luke" I said annoyed. "That Autumn found a boyfriend it isn't you" Luke said while laughing. "But Zack isn't my-." The man quick covered her mouth and told her to sh. "She can like who ever she wants to like" I said out of anger. "How about I get to know you guys and you get to know me" the guy said. I honestly didn't trust him but Autumn had the brightest smile on her face so I tried to keep a smile. "Well I could make us dinner" the guy said. "Yes please" everyone said. "What about you Austin" Autumn said. She was smiling hoping I would say yes it would make her happy but he could poison the food so I have to keep a eye on the food. "Whatever" I said. She was so happy I smiled a bit but I have to keep my guard up.

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