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Even if they conquered many fights they still lose clay people because of well basic injuries. It is because if a clay person is wounded they will just ignore the wounds until it is healed, but many died during that process because their wounds were too big. They can tear the leaves and turn it into bandages, but they still haven't that much knowledge those days. They think leaves only as a building material and nothing else. Their leader wasn't happy from those processes so he asked his people if they have any ideas on stopping the wounds from their bodies from being detached. One has suggested to put the bodies back up again, many agreed but some were not happy for the  suggestion. One has said "what if one of our greatest soldiers were destroyed, if we attached him again it will be a whole new person".The leader said that is can be great at some cases and other cases were not. One clever clay person has teared some of the leaves on the storage and used sticks for the reattaching of a injured soldier. Their leader was satisfied with the results and call the 2 clay people medics, the two has then recruited and teach their students on how to heal their patients.       

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