Chapter 3

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===Mangle's POV===

I've been where Foxy is. I've seen what it does to a person. Felt it first hand. All the loneliness and despair. All the lonely nights, lying awake till I can't keep my eyes open, just to fall into a dream of nothing but darkness. The longer he bottles up everything the sooner he's going where I've already gone. Deeper into the black until he can't claw his way out anymore. But maybe he's already there.

      My alarm clock screams in my ears, begging me to awaken. It hops around my bedside table like a little kid high on sugar, until it finally falls off and onto the soft carpeted floor. I groan and try to muffle the noise with a pillow over my ears, but it only continues to annoy me. With a heavy sigh and groan, I get out of bed and grab the clock from off the floor. The annoying ringing comes to an end as soon as I bop its head.
Six fifth-teen in the morning. Such an ungodly hour to wake up at. I think to myself as I stare into the mirror, examining my features while turning my head from side to side. A single lock of platinum hair falls in front of my face, and I stare at it for a second before pushing it up and behind my ear.

      Mangle, you look like such a mess right now. Your hair is all out of sorts and you look like you just woke up from years of sleep. You look like a zombie.

My eyes look glazed over like there's not a lot there. Like I'm back to where I was before I met the Toys. The sight of such deadness use to scare me, but now... it's not something of concern. I'm just tired... that's all.
With a heavy sigh, I pick up my brush and begin to untangle the mess I wear on my head. Wincing with every pull of my hair. Slowly, but surely, the mess becomes smaller and smaller till it's all nice and straightened out.

It's been a couple days since Foxy told me to stay away. The sheer darkness in his voice is enough to make shiver just thinking about it. The atmosphere he generates feels so cold and desolate. He pushes everyone away to isolate himself as if to protect himself from them... Or to protect everyone from himself.
I try my best to force the feeling out of my head as I begin morning routine.

The front door clicks shut as I let out a heavy sigh and groan. I stare up at the morning blue sky, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. I'm going to count to ten, then I'll be ready... one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine... ten.
My eyes open and I feel more relaxed. Though it's just another day of school and torture, it feels different somehow. Like something big is suppose to happen on this day.

      Doing my best to shrug off the feeling, I turn around to see Foxy staring at me from afar. He chuckles slightly before starting to walk again in a ringing silence. I feel my face heat up in embarrassment, but smiling under my breath, I begin jogging towards the guy that covers himself in shadows and drowns himself in an eire silence. Foxy slightly looks over at me, one of his eyes appears but disappears from under the hood and shadow. It flared with annoyance and anger at my presence, piercing with its icy golden stare. And with all honesty, the cold deadness that lives in his eyes at all times, it scares me.
      For a while we continue on, not a word falling between us. Only the sounds of our footsteps on the rough concrete. Every now and then I glance over at him, but his face remains stone and unbroken. I'm guessing he noticed me.

      "what do you want?" He says, not bothering to look over, with a dark coldness in his tone.

      "I'm sorry? I don't understand... I mean, I don't want anything."

      "yes you do. they always want something from me. to know who i am. it's cause you're afraid."

      "What? I am not afraid. What would I even be afraid of?" I retaliate hastily, offended by this sudden conversation.

(Canceled) Before I Shatter (FNAF Highschool) (Book 1 of 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن