Chapter Fourteen: The End

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Last chapter. Hope you've enjoyed this story, I think it's my favorite so far! Here's the last chapter and I'll post the rest of the A/N at the end.

Chapter Fourteen: Final Decisions

I couldn't believe it was my last day of third year. The Great Hall was filled and our final feast has begun. Normally it was a cheerful time of year, but this year was different. Dumbledore began his speech. "There is so much I would like to say to you all," he said. He paused and looked out at the crowd, "But there should be another person here seated with us, Cedric Diggory." The entire Hall stood up and rose up their cups. Some were more hesitant, such as Draco's crowd, because of the 'rumors' about their parents being Death Eaters. They all dully rose from their seats but showed no emotion. Thankfully, Harry had only told Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, and I about what he knew about our families.

Everyone clapped before sitting down. There were a few outbreaks of tears in the crowd. Especially from his girlfriend, Cho Chang, who sat at the Ravenclaw table right next to us. Dumbledore then began describing how Cedric was a loyal and humble boy who was hard-working. It was then when his speech took a new spin. "Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort!" Everyone in the hall completely silenced as did a few of the teachers. "The Ministry did not wish for me to tell you this, whether they believe it or not, I feel as though it is an insult to Cedric to not do so. To cover it up as some sort of an accident is an insult." Dumbledore than continued on. "There was only one other person who was there, Harry Potter." From across the hall I noticed Harry had put his head down. "Harry had risked his own life while escaping Lord Voldemort in return of bringing Cedric's body back to Hogwarts. For that I honor you." Dumbledore raised his Goblet once more towards Harry.


The other teachers did as well along with almost all the students, many students at my table did not. I did though, as did Dasha and Eowyn, who smiled at me along with a few of the more independent Slytherin students. All the international students raised their Goblets as well. "In times such as these, communication and ties are more important than you will ever know. Every guest in this room will always be welcomed back at Hogwarts. We are only as strong as we are united and weak as we are divided. Remember Cedric Diggory when a time comes where you have to make a tough decision, when you have to make the decision between what is right and what is easy."

The speech last night was ringing through my mind. I still had no idea what I wanted to do when I got home. I had found Jake that morning to say my goodbye, I didn't think I would sit with him on the train this time. It was sad yet true, we weren't back to being as close but I hoped after this summer it would all go back to normal. "I cannot believe you're going to be a seventh year next year," I said to him as I was stepping back from a hug. I hadn't told him anything about anything, my real father Zael Chamberlyn or my 'father' who was a Death Eater.


"I know," Jake said with a smile on his face I haven't seen in a while. "Well I'm going to miss talking to you over the summer. Make sure to write." I nodded and promised him I would. "Bye Carlie," he said stepping back down the hall.


"Bye Jake," I said and felt sadness, though I didn't know why. I suppose it felt like we were drifting apart. I didn't want it to be that way.


While walking back to the common room I took my time enjoying the school. Who knows what'll happen now that Lord Voldemort has returned. The Ministry was already denying what Harry said was true, but I believed him. Why would he make something like that up? When I got back to the common room Draco was sitting there looking rather angry. That's pretty much how he's looked since the third task. "Ah, come back from a love fest with your Gryffindor friends?" he added in a snide tone. Strangely he was alone sitting in front of the fire.

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