Chapter 12

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"You should have called her," Angelique insisted. Again. Her brother was being unnecessarily obstinate.

"Stop. I don't know why you keep insisting, but we both know it's not a good idea."

It was his first day back from his week in the Caribbean. It had been hellacious. Typically, he adored the island and sampled the locals. Often.

This time, he had no desire. His libido was dead. Well, that wasn't entirely true. When he thought of sweet Lily, he grew hard. But whacking off in the shower did little to satisfy his craving.

It wasn't just her body he wanted. It was her. He missed the way she laughed, how she looked at him when he'd been gentle, and even the way she thought she had to ask him for what she wanted, unsure if he would give it to her. He would have given her anything.

Why was he still so wrapped up in Lily? It was bordering on obsession.

"Pull your head out of your ass, Tarq. You've been surly since you've gotten back. You yell at everyone. You're constantly ticked off, and, frankly, you look like a hot mess."

"Gee, thanks, little sister. So glad you barged into my office to insult me."

Angelique crossed her arms. She was doing this for his own good. And for Lily's, who had also been a hot mess since last Monday.

She took a deep breath, calming herself so she could speak rationally.

"You missed two meetings with Lily to go over plans."

He grunted.

"You missed her birthday."

He heaved a sigh.

Tarq felt bad about missing her birthday. He wasn't in a position to play boyfriend, but gods did he want to. He'd send something special anonymously. Lily should have special gifts on her birthday.

He would have to see her today. They were signing contracts and all parties would have to be present. Tarq wasn't sure he could trust himself around her.

"Tarq," Angelique's voice softened, "I know you feel something for her. After all this time of being alone, you finally want someone for more than just sex. Please, just, when you see her today, be open to the possibility of more."

Tarq looked at his sister affectionately. She was worried about him. He was touched.

"Come here," he grumbled, and she walked into his arms. He needed a hug. Fuck. He was turning into a pussy.

"Okay, let's go," he said before the situation turned into an after-school special.

He walked with Angelique to the large conference room. When they entered, only Quin and Lily were inside. Angelique had warned their other siblings to stay away.

Seeing Lily was like a sucker punch to the gut. His body was tense. His hands clenched, itching to touch her.

Her beauty was arresting. Her hair was down, falling softly around her shoulders. Her tan was accentuated by the white dress and matching jacket. Her smile did him in.

His heart thudded, and he knew he was in love with her. He'd never been so affected, never yearned for more. He wanted everything from her.

Lily wasn't happy she was grinning at him, but she couldn't let her disquiet show. She was still reeling from the possibility he'd used his power on her. She wanted to believe he wouldn't, but her libido had been so out of control, she didn't trust it.

Tarq strode to the table and stood in front of her. The silence stretched. He tilted his head, picking up the faintest trace of ... siren.

Lily exhaled harshly when Tarq, quick as lightning, grabbed her by the hips and buried his nose in her neck.

Tentatively, she inhaled, as well, wanting to know his immortal scent. It had a powerful effect on her senses and she felt dizzy. Abruptly, he pulled back.

"You're a siren?"

She nodded.

He looked at his sister. "Did you know?"

"Not until Amelia picked up on it at the club."

His gaze returned to Lily.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded.

"I thought you were human. I didn't get the ability to discern by scent until this past week."

Tarq's eyes turned feral. He was keeping this female. He would claim her, and she would be his for all time.

He bent to take her lips and she pushed away. He snarled like an animal.

"I can't. Not when I don't know if you used your power on me."

Oh, he really didn't fucking like what she was insinuating. He'd punish her later. For now, he wanted her back in his arms.

"I resent you thinking so little of me that I would resort to such measures, Petal."

Her heart soared hearing the endearment again.

"No, it's not that. Not really. I just, well, I've never wanted to do any of what we did," she stumbled through her wording, careful in front of Quin and Angelique.

"So, forgive me, but I don't trust that I magically was able to ... you know ... so many times ... and I let you ... you know ... and it was all with a virtual stranger. I—I didn't trust it."

Tarq was beaming at his little flower. She didn't think she was capable of such lust, of delighting in it as she had.

"Ah, Lily. That was all you. You just needed the right male. And that. Was. Me."

He grabbed her hips again, this time she didn't resist.

"Besides, my power doesn't work on you."

"Well, now it doesn't it," she affirmed.

"No. It never did. I was an ass to you the first time we met and tried to erase it. It didn't work."

"But I have no memory of that."

Quin stepped forward.

"That would be my fault. He'd pissed you off in our meeting, and when he couldn't undo it, I took it away. He's telling you the truth. You were immune to his persuasion. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I just didn't want it to cause you to decline our business."

She wasn't pleased. Quin was the nice one.

"Swear that's all you did, Quin."

"I swear," he stated adamantly.

She looked at Tarq. It appeared something was happening between them, but she was afraid to hope.

His hands were on her in front of his family. He wasn't behaving at all in the way she assumed he would, not after the conversation they'd had the morning he drove her home.

"What now?" she asked.

Tarq: A Shadow, Inc. NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now