How Do You Spell Windowsill?

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How do you spell windowsill? B-O-R-I-N-G!

There's nothing to do on the windowsill. No trampolines to bounce on, no paper to draw on, no custards to wolf down like you haven't eaten for days.

Hi. I'm B.B, a fun loving Teenie Beanie Baby with nothing to do. Nothing.

B.B might stand for Bored Bear, who knows.

I long for someone my size to play with. All the other bears who sit on the windowsill are bigger than me.

The only bear that understands me is Fuzz. He's my grandpa.

"HEY! I'm not your grandpa! I'm your BROTHER."

Blah, blah. And he's wrong. Technically, he's my adoptive brother.

A long time ago, I supposedly fell from the sky in a big thunderstorm. Supposedly.

That's what Fuzz tells me, but not everything he says is believeable. He's not the sharpest Beanie on the windowsill.

Probably the dumbest.

But Fuzz takes 'stupid' as a compliment. He likes being stupid! Really.

Fuzz is my grandpa ("BROTHER!") who takes care of me and entertains me whenever I'm too bored,

For example, I jump on his belly as a substitute for a trampoline.

And, Fuzz gets me scraps of paper from Raiya's notebook and stubs of pencils to draw with.

Fuzz definitely understands me. He's the best grandpa ("BROTHER! How many times?!") anybear could have.

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