quite random but let's talk about sharks please?

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So I know I already annoyed some of my friends and my family with this topic but it kind of makes me sad...
I am in Egypt at the moment and I was at a cliff, watching the sunset as my sister told me that there were still people in the water, snorkeling quiet outside of the riff and i got really worried. My sister asked if it wasn't dangerous to be in the water at that time and I said yes, it is. I went on watching the people swimming in the ocean until they were finally out of the water again and I was debating with myself on rather to to them and tell them how funking dangerous it is since it was a farther with a really young child or not but my social awkwardness kinda won... welp.

Anyways I actually didn't know what I should feel about them like I was kinda angry at the farther for putting himself and his daughter into danger but still, he probably just didn't know and at the same time I was just plain worried.

You see, here it's not allowed to go in the water after 6 pm (the time of sunset) and there is a good reason!
The time during dusk and Dawn is the time where sharks hunt and I do know a lot of people think sharks get attracted by human blood. Let me tell you this, they don't. You see, sharks know the smell of fish blood but not of human blood so bleeding under water isn't even that bad. Therefor I already cleared one common mistake.
But what sharks do get attracted by, what the human beings constantly do when they are in the water, is the movement. If the water surface moves sharks get interested. They will sick around you a few times and decide if they wanna eat you. If you move around and produce even more movements on the water surface, the shark will more likely eat you as if you stay still cuz than the shark will grow uninterested.

Another thing is if you're near to a cliff the shark will most likely leave you alone cuz they won't get too close. I'm not quite sure why but probably in order to avoid getting hurt by the riff.

I know this kinda sounds like I am hella feared by sharks but I am honestly not. I am just kinda sad that people most likely don't know about this all and I would love to see people respect them. Like not go in the water at their hunting times of sharks and stuff so they won't be the ones blamed if something happens. They are wild animals and the waters are their territory, their home and we're the ones invading it.

Most human are so scared of sharks mostly because of movies that spread false rumors and stuff and I'm so sick of it. Like everyone is always just like "but they kill so many humand, they are dangerous". Let me tell you something. HUMANS ARE EVEN MORE DANGEROUS. THEY KILL WAY MORE HUMANS THAN SHARKS DO!!!

I'm sorry, it's just that this topic is really taking me down and is on my nerves because most people don't get that they are just normal animals. I mean yes, of course they are dangerous, just like every other animal as well. Just please treat them with respect!

Something else I'm kinda sad and also mad about is the fact that everyone thinks white sharks are the most dangerous sharks that exist. Tbh, just because they are one of the biggest shark species that exist does not mean they are equally dangerous. White share are, from what is known at the moment, the most intelligent sharks to exist. They give certain signals due to body language to tell others if they are okay with you being next to them and if not so if you know a little bit about them and what they do in what situation, if you treat them with resoect, there's actually nothing you would need to fear.

Of course what I just explains is based on what I know and what I heard, parts of it can be wrong and I do know that there will always be sharks that won't act this way. Don't take it for granted what I just said cuz like I said: they are wild animals and unpredictable and I am really sorry for saying it yet again but please treat them with respect

Thank you for reading this

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