I'm so funking scared rn

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You see I'm on my way back to Germany but the flight came like 4 hours late so we were at the airport the whole time and idk
Now I'm for about an hour already in the airplane but we're still not in the air cuz in Kairo is a problem with the funk (is that even an English word?)  But we're not able to depart. I think it's starting now though welp.
But since there was already a lot that went wrong I'm kinda scared about what's going to happen now and if I'm able to get home on one pice. I just really have a bad feeling about this flight for quiet a while by now... but hey, at least I'm not panicking about the dust of the air conditioner that's coming out of some parts of the airplane haha ^^'
Well we're already flying fir a little while and we just got into turbulence and then the captain or whoever said everyone should get to their seats and put the seat belts on as well as that were not allowed to stand up anymore. No, I'm not scared, why would I be ^^' (dripping off sarcasm)
Oh wow, we're getting down now and there are slight turbulences again what's okay, I mean that's kind of normal but why the heck are the lights flickering ;-;
We finally arrived, I'm so glad ;-; I'm still alive ;-;
I know this won't get out before I'm in Germany but oh hey, I just wanted to get this off my chest, sorry pantherschatten  that i spammed u the whole time... I really am... It just gives me a certain safety texting with u my little butterfly ❤
I hope see u soon?
Love ya ~Trouble

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