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Hiiiii!! Omg guys I am so excited yet scared and worried at the same time AHAH! Ok so we are going to Washington DC and I am so excited because they have AMAZING things like honestly I can't even XD. BUUUUUT I have to go through a Looooooooonnnnnnggggggg car ride with three kids under the age of ten. I can't do this XD. Also, Washington has like a lot of people so my anxiety is already flaring up FUN. My mind won't leave me alone. Though, it is to be expected. After all, this is my first vacation! We are leaving in THREE days!! The thing I'm dreading most though is school. I have to come out to the teachers as trans so they can use the right pronouns n shiz. And well, we are a small town in the south so I am worried if I am honest. I talked to one of my friends and they said I should be able to come out and be ok. I'm still worried though. Mom still thinks the internet is to blame though she won't tell me herself. I heard her talking to Erica (hopefully my new caretaker) and she said to make sure I get on age appropriate stuff then told me and I quote! "Not to ignore the little girl inside." MY GOD THAT WOMAN! I can't stand her sometimes. I went to her house today to get my laptop but apparently, it's not mine anymore. So we got into a fight, as always. Just three more days then I'll be FAR from her XD. Not for long but its something. I can use the change of scenery. Oh, and I picked out ONE thing! I actually pushed past my "Oh I'm ok with anything" when I actually do have an opinion. I'm proud of myself for that. It's the Artech House. It looks really cool I can't wait! Anyway, I got most of this out so I will leave this chapter here. I hope all of you are having a better day than me and that your summer has been wonderful! Or winter ya know whatever is going on for you XD! Byyyeeeee!

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