Recruit Meets Elite

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Sorry guys. I know that the story is not that great but I am open for any helpful tip.

" I'm having some technical difficulties (cough,cough). I need some assistance, 'set'."

Alright Nick, sending assistance and it is your favorite.

Ñ:"(shrieks in excitement)"

'Sounds of someone operating the system scanner.'

SS: Authorized personnel identified. Opening the Master Communication Room.

"I'm here Nick. Any problems?"

Ñ:Nah just a little smoke. No need to worry, B7.(Approaching SS) I don't even know why we try using that thing.

B7: I think trying to communicate with external beings is worth it.

Ñ: External? Whatever let's just go. (Operates SS).

SS: Authorized personnel identified. Closing the Master Communication Room.

Ñ: These SSs make me feel uneasy just thinking about the amount of radiation just being pumped into your system with every usage.

B7: Don't worry its not like you'll live long enough for it to start taking effect.

Ñ: Aye Aye Captain. How about you? Are you ready for the new recruits?

B7: .....

Ñ: Ayt let's go to our simulation tanks.

They approach cuboid shaped tanks which are see through from the outside and a dynamic simulation on the inside.

ST: Simulation pending awaiting level selection.

Ñ: I'm selecting hard mode. What about you?

B7: Bludgeon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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