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I love reading these kind of imagine so thought why not write one! ENJOY! P.S Blonde Charlie makes his debut appearance in my writing 

"I'm so sorry but I can't fly down to be with you. I'm swamped at work three people quit this week which leaves me to find replacements and-" I rambled before he cut me off with his broken sad voice making my stomach do back flips knowing he needed me desperately and this surprise me and his team had planned couldn't have come a better time. 

"Y/N I understand a hectic work schedule but just promise me when your schedule you'll fly down to be with me?"

"Of course babe I promise you now go do your job before I get yelled at for being a distraction" I halfheartedly chuckled ending the call after we exchanged our love yous. 

"Lets get packing."


My whole body was shaking with nerves as my plane landed knowing I was so close to be holding Charlie in my arms.

With me dating a celebrity and being in airport with many, many people don't mix very well I had my own security team leading me to a vehicle outside with a member of Charlies team waiting inside to go over the big surprise.

We pulled up to the hotel where he was staying at where I got ushered up to his empty room to drop off all my luggage before rushing downstairs to hop into a car driving to an interview he was at where I was planned to surprise him.

I've bee tagged along to many radio interviews but never was I this nervous. I walked into the back of the interview room where he couldn't see me but I could see the blonde hair to my baby and with little self will I managed to keep my feet planted on the floor not running up to him.

"So I have one more thing I want to talk to you about your girlfriend Y/N. First can I say you two are the cutest couple ever" The lady interviewing him said leaving Charlie chuckling.

"Thank you, she's my whole world I mean without her I would drown in this crazy life I have but she keeps afloat. I miss her like crazy since I've been on tour for 4 months so far and I think for the both of us we can only take so much of being apart from each other but I should stop rambling on."

"Well what would you say if I told you that she isn't as far as you think" She grinned at Charlie making him confused as he had talked to me earlier and once again had told him I was busy. I crept up behind him spinning his chair around for his shocked face to turn into  face of pure glee.

He ripped off his headset he was wearing engulfing me in his arms. "I thought you said your busy with work, how did you get here? how long are you staying? I missed you so much" He chuckled nuzzling his face in my neck.

"I was packing when you called me yesterday which thank god we weren't facetiming or you could have read my face like an open book when your voice was all broken and sad. If you'll have me I'm staying for awhile as long as you let me get some work done online later" I laughed wiping happy tears off my cheeks.

He lifted his head off my shoulder giving me the most genuine smile I had seen in quite awhile before cupping my head with his hand and giving me a kiss filled with need,desperation, joy and tear that had run down his cheeks onto his lips.

"Now that you are in my arms good luck on ever getting out of them."

  Whatcha think? I might add onto this like add another part with so much fluff but who knows.

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