6- A Walk In The Park

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For the past week I have only wanted two things, the first thing was to figure out Martin's secrets and the second was to stop thinking about him. I still haven't figured out anything yet but I managed to do the latter, the problem is, I started thinking about someone else instead.

The hooded guy.

I couldn't get him out of my mind for the whole weekend, who was he? What was he doing at the party? And why was I so attracted to him?

All those questions roamed my head for the past three days. As for Martin, I haven't talked to him since the party. 

I felt a punch on my shoulder and turned around to see Chloe.

"So, where is your new best friend? I don't see him around." She commented.

"He is not my best friend. And there is no need to be salty, you and I have been best friends for two years. No one, especially not Martin, can take me away from you." She smiled in relief but then threw on her mean face again.

"I am not salty." she scowled


"Whatever. Let's go find Eric and Justin."

As Chloe and I were walking, I saw a person that made my heart stop, quickly I turned around the corner and leaned against the wall. Chloe, who was perplexed by my actions, followed me.

"What's wrong?" she inquired

"The hooded guy," I answered, my breathing quickening just like my heart beat.


"Oh my god, did he see us?"

"What are you talking about I don't underst-"

"Hey," Chloe was interrupted by none other than the hooded guy himself. I held my breath.

"Hiii?" confused Chloe answered while secretly checking him out. He was wearing a blue hoodie, this time his hood was off revealing his face more clearly, and I realized that he is even more handsome than I thought.

Even if I wanted nothing more than to know who he was just a few moments ago, now I wanted to run.

"Can I borrow your friend for a second?" He spoke up, his hand gripping his backpack's strap while the other strap slacked off his shoulder.

"Sure, I was going to class anyway." Chloe walked away and mouthed 'wow' to me while fanning herself from behind him, typical.

My gaze moved from Chloe to the beautiful boy in front of me, whom I almost kissed. And I wished I could vanish just right now

"Listen, whatever happened a few days ago I didn't mean it." I blurted out without thinking, and then quickly hissed at my behavior afterwards.

He chuckled, "I know, I actually wanted to apologize for that. I am new in town and you seemed like a nice person. I don't know what came over me, I think I had a drink or two."

Scold him for trying to kiss you and blaming it on alcohol, come on.

"No, it's fine." I waved my hand with a high pitched chuckle. Of course the only time a guy would want to kiss me is when he is drunk.

Awkward nice bitch!

He smiled at me and perfect white teeth appeared. The kind of smile that makes you want to smile back immediately.

"Ryan, by the way" He offered his hand for me to shake.

"Hope." I shook his hand, which was softer than mine.

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