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     Entering Sun-Side High was probably the worst decision I've ever made. Yes, it provides good education and blah blah blah- but everyone took the term popularity too seriously.It is a clichéd, mini version of Mean Girls. Everybody was separated into different groups, and each group has about a zero percent communication with each other. 

      And if your wondering if a Regina George existed in Sun-Side High, then I'm glad to tell you that we didn't have only one of her, but three. Named Heather, Rebecca, and Mai; they were always there to make everybody's life hell. During my three years of being at Sun-Side High, I thankfully never spoke to any of them. Heather used to sit in front of me in History class last year, and to be honest, she was a pain in the ass. She flipped her hair approximately every two seconds and the sound her heels made when she walked down to her seat drove me crazy. She probably never knew I even existed.

   The school's popular clique consists of the typical people- jocks, cheerleaders, the basket ball team, and the three Regina(s). It's funny how I can relate my school to ninety nine percent of any clichéd school you'd read in a book or see in a movie. But my school had an additional annual event, that showed how everyone, even the school's administration, were concerned about the popularity ladder. 

   Each year, the school would chose the ten most popular kids in the school, five boys and five girls, and force them to teach the unpopular, bullied outcasts the rules of popularity. The event itself is called Popularity Lessons, and it lasts a week. 

  I was an outcast myself, but I've only been bullied throughout seventh grade and eighth grade. I personally like to keep everything to myself. With only one friend, which is also an outcast, I can say I have a popularity of a Pygmy Marmoset. Which is, by the way, an animal that most people don't even know it exists. 


Author Note; Can we just talk about how cute is this banner on the side? It's been created by the wonderful and completely amazing Rachel a.k.a @dumbledorex ! Make sure to give her a follow, her books are amazing and her rant book is super funny! Just a side note, I won't edit this book until I completely finish it. Bye! 

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