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Welcome to my little online rant that will trigger hundreds mabey even thousands of destiel shipers.

I probably cuaght you, yeah you the destiel shiper, becuase you where looking to for some destiel fanfic, but then you became angry and started reading. Before you leave a nasty commet saying I am homophobic or should kill myself, I have to say one thing. Cut the crap I don't care if you are offended by my opion. And no I am not homophobic. My best freind is gay and she is more of a sister to me rather then a bestfreind. She once told me that when ever she sleptover at a straight freinds house they had her sleep on the couch. I told her she can feel free to sleep on the bed with me and my dog when she sleeps over. Becuase I don't care that she is gay she still is a wonderful peson, and also I am not gay but I don't care if people are. It's not fair to judge people on their sexuality.

I may use some strong lanuage but please mind that and the next chapter is explaining why I hate destiel. Also a movie plug at the end of my rant if you are interested.

Why I hate DestielWhere stories live. Discover now