The opion

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My reason for hateing destiel is becuase I find the ship disturbing. It's not that both Dean and Cas are both male, but more of that the boys have been through so much togeather that seeing anything  having to do with them in a sexual relationship, is just as bad and as fucking gross as the other ship I hate called wincist. (sam and dean)

To me Dean and Cas are brothers no diffrent from Dean and Sam being brothers, and for all of you that say but they aren't blood, ain't mean shit becuase just like our ol' pal Bobby Singer, always said " Family don't end with blood."

Another reason I hate the ship is the fact that it comes up in Every Fucking Convention! It clearly makes Jensen uncomfortable, and even though Misha, finds this ship amusing.
It gose as far as the meida such as ScreenRant rank the amazing Jensen Ackles, as not so friendly when it comes to fan interactions.

It was even mentioned that some of you destiel shipers even consider Jensen, homophobic, and that pisses me the fuck off like who the hell are you to call someone you know nothing about homophobic! Also the constant pushing of a ship that isn't even there.

If destiel should be used as a title it should represent Dean and Cas's bromance their brotherly love for each other, and not the other disgusting shit. 

There you read a 236 word rant. If you agree with me cool. If you hate it cool, but I dont need nasty comments. I love Supernatural and love every last actor past and present on the show. I always wish of meeting the boys. (Misha, Jared and Jensen)

For those of you who remember Dean and Sam's dad, John Winchester. If you are intrested hey was played by the handsome and badass Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who after Supernatural appeared on grey's anatomy. He then went on to play Negan. In AMC The Walking Dead.  I am telling you this becuase the other night I had watched the movie Rampage with The Rock, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (he plays Russle). Give it A watch it's a good action movie with some comedy and best yet, no chick flick momments!

Rampage's trailer ⬇

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