Chapter 1: The Checkered Gloves

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Copyright 2014

This is a FICTIONAL book!

Ugh! I can't believe I woke up late for my first day of school! I thought while running up to my bathroom after eating breakfast. I saw the clock, 5 minutes, 5 freakin' minutes 'til the start of classes! I seriously need to start checking the time ! I quickly grabbed my clothes,took the quickest shower I could and ran for the hills after grabbing my bag.Of course, the hills lead to my school. Then, I realized I had a new motorcycle. I paused for a minute but, just continued running because I couldn't waste time going back . Once I reached the school I looked around and the whole freaking parking lot is empty! I run to the door and touch the handle but, pause seeing my hand. I remember what the councilor said at my last school and get my checkered gloves, my new solution to the problem! I opened the door and ran for the office,got my time table and speed walked while looking at room numbers.

After feeling like I was a hundred years older and as exhausted as an old woman would be, I found my first period classroom. I knocked,just to be as safe as possible in case the teacher was a monster that eats her students for breakfast. Anyways~, the teacher opened the door and she looked like a monster!!! Not literally but, she looked like the kind of teacher I just described. Breath in , breath out like a ninja and smile. Okay, don't judge a book by it's cover she might be like pure concentrated sunshine. Yeah, like the type of grandma that bakes cookies, yeah. Hooo, yeah, I'll be fine. "Yes, what would you like?" She snapped and eyed me as if I was a piece of tuna her cat thought the world needed back from it's stomach.

Or she might not be. "Just here on my first day, Ms.? "

"Ms.? Do I look like I'm not married?"

Yeah , you look like the cat lady in my neighborhood.

"No, Miss, I mean Mrs.?"

"Better, you may call me Mrs. Shermine. Now, come in, introduce yourself then, find a seat ,sit down and listen to my lecture." Her eyes pierced me with a look after she saw my gloves. "Are we clear?"

"Yes, Mrs. Shermine" I walked through the door,following her in and she clapped her hands.

"Good morning class, today we have a new student and so, before I begin she will introduce herself."

"Hi, my name's Raz Morae ." I looked around the classroom and found a seat.

"Is that all Ms.Morae?" Mrs. Shermine asked, shocked.

"Yes, it is, unless you want me to say more?"

"No,no, that was a perfectly short but, fine introduction."

I finally reached the seat and sat, making sure to not look anyone in the eye so everyone would get the message I didn't want to chat.

After Mrs. Shermine's class I found all my other classes on time before the first break. Right when the bell rang for recess I decided to go around the school and look at my other classrooms while munching on a sandwich that I packed last night. I found out three things about this school after going around.

1) Mrs.Shermine was the only teacher capable of becoming a cat lady in the future.

2)People here got the message when you didn't want to talk.

3) The cliques here were pretty obvious.

The moment I finished my sandwich, I checked my watch and made my merry way to my next class. I was walking , taking my time and made it to class right before the bell rang. The same thing happened as with the other teachers. I introduced myself and took a seat for every single class. Once all the classes were done and it was finally lunch I decided to check out the cafeteria and man, did it look like some clichè movie about high school! I was right, the cliques were as tightly knit and classified as a sweater with patches of different colors! I looked at the food and hoped that the food wasn't also clichèd . I walked forward to look at the food before I lined up and I knew then, that I would line up every single day of school just for the beauties that sat behind the lunch lady. I fell in love with the cafeteria food immediately and went to the line. After, buying one of the beauties which was a wonderful honey panacotta I looked around and found a table with no people. On my way there, I heard a commotion about some girl between two guys and the whole cafeteria seemed to have stopped moving to watch the confrontation happening but, I just continued walking. Not like it concerns me. Now, better take this chance and go for the table before someone else actually realizes they might lose the table too .

GlovesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя