Gender Reveal Time

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Craig's POV:

Today was the gender reveal party and I was excited to tell everyone. Robert and Jacky were the first two who showed up, followed by Tj, Thrasher, Ryan, Derek, Max and Ron Ficarro. Once everyone had arrived, Ronnie and I brought out pink and blue balloons which held our little secrets of what we were having.

"You guys ready?" I asked, shortly after walking back into the room. Everyone cheered as Ronnie and I began to pop the balloons. The first one I popped held a note. I picked it up and read it out loud. "It's a...girl!" Once more, everyone cheered.

"That's not all, though." Ronnie said, causing the whole room to go into a state of confusion. He popped a blue balloon and, picking up the note, he, too, read it out loud. "It's...what's this on gonna be?" The anticipation was too much for Jacky.

"Just say it already, Ronnie." Jacky said, anxiously. "We wanna know!"

"It's a boy!" Ronnie finally said. The rest of the guys had a look of serious confusion on their faces.

"We're having twins." I said after a moment, looking at Ronnie. I could hear awes coming from the guys.

"Congratulations, guys!" Derek said, pulling me and Ronnie into a tight hug.

"Thanks, Derek." I reply, hugging back.

"I'm gonna go get something. Be right back." Ronnie said, shortly before leaving the room. What's his problem?

"Well, how d'you feel?" Jacky asked, walking up and sitting on the couch next to me.

"I feel like I'm not going to be a good parent, really." I reply, looking down at my feet. I felt a hand on my shoulder and look back up.

"That's how I know you'll be great." Jacky said, smiling. "Besides, you have Ronnie to help you. And you know we're all just a phone call away." Just then, Ronnie came back into the room.

"I wanted to wait until the babies were born, but I can't." He spoke so softly. Getting down on one knee, Ronnie pulled out a small box from his back pocket. I gasped as the thought ran through my mind. Was he going to...propose? "Craig Edward Mabbitt," I felt a tear run down my cheek. "I have loved you for the longest time. And I want you to be mine for the rest of our lives. No, for eternity." I put my hands up to my mouth as Ronnie opened the box, revealing a ring. One single diamond was surrounded by a set of smaller rubies, forming a heart. "Will you be mine until the stars fall out of the sky?"

"Yes!" I replied. The whole room cheered as Ronnie slid the ring on my finger. Standing up, he kissed me, passionately. This was turning out to be the best few months of my life.

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