Part one

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I always had one person that i liked in my team.

Her name was Hana.
She had wonderful blackish brown hair that reaches down to her round ass, and even darker eyes. They always reminded me of chocolate chips. Now your probably wondering who i am.
My names (Y/N), and im the son of genji. Turns out he does like Angela...i was put into training when i was only nine years old. Winstion said he saw some kind of potential in me, and that i was born to have duel pistols in my hands. What am i? A mix of Mcree and Tracer? Haha, no. I never was good with a katana, but i could shoot like fuck! Sometimes, i would carry my guns around just to impress im not a show off, i just like,her...

Anyway, now that your caught up-

you stood by mercy waiting for the perfect moment to open fire as a junkrat let his rip etire free. Mercy kept a healing stream on you as you stood in the corner and let it fly.

Eliminated Junkrats Rip tire

you ran into battle seeing Hana struggle with Sombra as she stayed on her ass, hacking her every ten seconds. You used one of your advantages "round up" to fire at sombra and disable all of her hacks. (Kinda like a mcree ult mixed with sombras hacking) Hana let out a cheerful "Thanks!" As she boosted over to our payload, defending it at all costs. I was in a deep pile of shit with a mcree as Hanas mech self destructed, and i didnt hear a loud NERF THIS. I knew she was at low health so i ran over to her while doing a front walker(press A to enable while walking). I saw the guilty widowmaker, trying to finish Hana off.

"Little bitch"you said softly as hana yelled "HEY! KEEP IT RATED G"

that made you chuckle, considering shooting people is ok for three year olds. You used your 3MB (kinda like widows grafling hook, but you have a long rectangular box of air behind you that throws you through the air like spiderman, without using any string or rope. press Lshift to enable) to fly up to somewhat near widowmaker. She took a good majority of your health as you flew up there, but the second you finished her off, she scoped you out making you die with her

mercy flew over to you and rezzed you letting out a cute" your welcome"

"Thanks i guess" you mumbled

*you jumped down as the playload just got to its destination.

VICTORY a hologram flashed

"GG everyone!" Hana hopped around in her mech. "GG because we won!" You muttered back.
"Y/N, cheer the fuck up, you cute little loser."
Wait-did Hana just call me cute?!
Your face flushed a deep shade of red. "Im not cute Hana, your the cute one." "Y/N I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME DVA!! IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS FOR THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Hana lightly shoves you with her mech arm. You giggle a bit, relaxed that todays job is over.

Boom Boom- Dva X readerWhere stories live. Discover now