Child Fortress 2 ?!

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     Dell Conaugher has seen a lot of

strange things in his line of work. But he has never, ever, seen something like what he's seeing right now.
There, in the middle of the common room, was a small child that looked exactly identical to Jayne Doe, or the Soldier. A similar helmet to that of Jaynes was next to the child, who couldn't have been older than 6 or 7.
"Jayne?" The engineer called. The child turned his head to face Dell.
"Engie!" he cried. throwing his arms up. Dell stepped forwards and picked up the de-aged Soldier.
"How did you end up like this?" The Texan questioned. Jayne went on to say that Merasmus, a wizard friend of his, had been angry with him, and had turned him into a little kid.
"Huh. Well, we should go check on the others, make sure they're okay." Dell sighed. He placed the Soldier down on the ground beside him and started to walk towards the kitchen. Jayne caught up to the Texan, grabbing his gloved  fingers with his smaller hand. Dell smiled when he felt Jayne hold his fingers.
A few minutes later they arrived in the kitchen, to find it spotless. Dell was about to walk out when he heard a muffled shout from one of the cupboards. Jayne sprinted forward towards the sound and doing open a set of cupboard doors.
" Judas? Reuben? What are you doing in the cupboard?" Jayne said. Dell had crouched down beside the Soldier.
Judas, their teams Pyro, went straight to Dell when he saw him. The pyro wrapped his tiny arms around Dell's leg, which made Dell laugh and pick up the small masked boy. Pyro then shrieked through his mask when Reuben, the team's Spy, exited the small space.
"Reuben what happened?" Dell asked, his tone becoming more serious.
" He was chasing me with a lighter! When I hid in the cupboards, he followed me into it!" Reuben defended. Jayne sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
" We don't have time for this. We've gotta go find the others Engie!" Jayne cried. Dell nodded, setting Judas down to walk beside them.
" If I were Tavish, where would I be?" Dell mumbled. Tavish, the team's Demoman, was a drunkard and was all over the place. He never really stayed in one spot.  It wasn't until they heard a heavily accented scream that they found Tavish, but also found Mikhail, the team's heavy weapons guy. Mikhail was wailing over Tavish, who was passed out with a dozen or more beer bottles surrounding him. Jayne and Judas went to Mikhails side to help him calm down, while Dell, and Reuben went over and picked up the passed out Demoman. When Mikhail calmed down, he explained that Tavish had just passed out in front of him. Dell was sure Heavy had seen him do this before,but they're younger, so it could have a different  effect on them. Around ten minutes later, a soft pitter-patter of multiple sets of feet, followed by Dell's own heavy steps were heard walking out to Lucas Mundy's camper.
Dell opened the door to the RV softly, and almost laughed aloud at what he witnessed.
Lucas Mundy, dressed in his best sniping gear, was holding a small Kennicky Miller, the team's Scout. Lucas' tense shoulders relaxed when he saw Dell with his other tiny teammates.
"I'm surprised you weren't affected by whatever this is." Dell said. Lucas nodded, still holding the small runner to his chest.
" I see you've got a handful of kids there, Dell." Lucas joked. 
" You wouldn't believe." He laughed. Lucas got a good look at his team. Jayne and Reuben looked around 7, while Mikhail and Tavish looked to be 8. Then Kennicky and Judas appeared to be 6 or so.
" So I guess the last one we haven't found would be Medic." Lucas said. Dell nodded in agreement, so they headed over to the med-bay, they're child teammates in tow.
Once they arrived at the medics bay, they were surprised to see it mostly untouched.
"Josef?' Dell called. A small shuffle was heard behind a medical curtain, then out came their Medic, Josef, dressed in his dress shirt, tie and vest, with a very oversized battle coat drooping from his shoulder. The Medic appeared to be the youngest, looking like he was only four, as well as the smallest in size. He cowered behind the curtain, whimpering softly. Mikhail stepped forwards, ran around the curtain and pulled the Medic out by his arm. Dell set the now very awake Tavish on the ground with the others, and scooped up Josef in his arms. The healer clung to the Texan, burying his head into Dell's shoulder. Dell held Josef close, calming down the usually sadistic doctor with ease. He guided his Team back to the living room, then got everyone settled down. Lucas had spread out his lanky form on the couch, Kennicky on his chest. Reuben had curled up beside the couch Lucas was on. Judas and Tavish were asleep by the fireplace, while Jayne curled up next to the couch Dell was layed  across. In the loveseat across from Lucas was Mikhail and Josef curled up together, the Medics large lab coat covering them both like a blanket.
' Thank God that's over. I sure hope this wears off tomorrow.' Dell thought.

He was right the next morning. Only Dell and Lucas remembered what had happened, and teased their team about it for weeks on end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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