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This is what she looks like. Well apparently she is cute but her face is mostly covered in dirt and bruises so people don't get to see what she looks. People tend to Act First before thinking and rumors started.

Maria Sabishi ( also known as Mia) (last name was chosen by her orphanage, also means "lonely) is far from normal teenage girls.
Her mother died while giving birth to her. Her father has another family cut all ties with her. Her life is tragic. She is bullied to due to the fact she is alone and an orphan.

She was raised at an orphanage for 16 years, nobody wanted to be friends with her because she seemed weird and bad things always kept happening to other children who wanted to be friends with her, it was like she was born to bad luck itself. Nobody also wanted to adopt her, the first time someone adopted her(Maria's age at the time is 7), before going to their new home, her new mother had a heart attack then collapsed, because of that, the father panicked and took his wife to the hospital forgetting about their new adopted daughter, on the way to the hospital, their car crashed causing both the wife and the husband to die, the second family consisted of only a single father and 2 children, he went to an orphanage, and was planning to adopt mia( her age was 10 at the time), but on his way to the orphanage, he got a call from his children saying that their house was on fire, so he rushed back to his house, his house was already engulfed in big flames, his children( who were ages 6 and 7) were still inside, he called the firefighters before entering, before the firefighters arrived, both the father and the children was already found dead inside their burning house, Maria was then cancelled for the adoption, bad things kept happening to the people who were supposed to adopt her, she stayed at the orphanage until she was 16 because no one adopted her(no one can), the day before she left the orphanage, an earthquake occured(magnitude 9.5) she was outside at the time running for an errand, (the earthquake lasted for 15 seconds), so she took cover and remained calm, after the earthquake ended she went back to her orphanage, the whole entire building collapsed, killing all of the people that were inside the orphanage, she became homeless and thus the story of her "life" begins.

Well enough with the intro. Let's get on to the story.

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Proceed to the Prologue





Reincarnated: Demon's Wife "Lonely Maria"Where stories live. Discover now