The Carnival - Stranger Things [Mileven]

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"We're here," Steve said. "Now you kids stay safe alright?"

"Ok," Mike replied. "Thanks, Steve!"

El and Mike hopped out of the car and Steve drove off.

"So El, you ready to explore?"

El smiled. "Yes."

Mike grabbed Eleven's hand and started to move towards the crowds.

"Mike, what's that?" El asked, pointing to a dart game.

"You throw darts at those balloons and you get a prize."

"What kind of prize?"

"A stuffed animal, usually. Sometimes they give out fish."

"Why fish?"

"I don't know. But you don't really want to get fair fish. They die a few days after you get them."

El made a face.

"Do you want to play?" Mike asked.

"Show me how?" El replied.

"Sure," Mike said. He walked up to the booth and handed the employee some money. In turn, the older teenager gave Mike a few darts.

"You aim at the balloon you want to hit and then you toss it like this."Mike threw the dart at a balloon and missed. He laughed, embarrased. 

"Mike. Let me try now," El said.
Mike handed El a dart. El threw the dart but left her hand extended after the follow-through. The dart flew through the air and hit a balloon. Satisfied, El wiped her nose with her sleeve.
"El," Mike said in a kind but warning voice, "Be careful with that."
El nodded and the two took turns throwing the rest of the darts. Between them, they popped enough balloons to get a prize- a stuffed tiger.
"Do you want it?" Mike asked. 

"No," El said.

"Where should we put it then?"

"Give it to Steve?"

"To thank him for driving us?"


"Good idea, El."

Mike and El walked a little farther along the path of vendors and games. Vendors were yelling loudly; advertising their games,"Step right up to the baseball pitch! Try your luck at Plinko! Everyone's a winner at the Bottle Stand!"

"Mike. I don't like... loud," El said, stepping closer to him.

"Ok, just hang on a second and we'll be out of the main path," Mike replied, holding El's hand.

Mike wove through the crowds, El holding his hand to follow him. Finally, finally, they reached the end of the road and turned the corner.

"See? Better," Mike said.

El nodded, still a little shaken from the loud crowds that she still wasn't really used to.

"What's that?" El asked, pointing to a food stand.

"Oh, cotton candy? It's basically sugar and it's really good. Wanna try it?"

"Okay," El said. She wasn't sure about the cotton candy, but if Mike said it was good, she was willing to try it."

"Oh, and funnel cake! It's really good too, and it's kinda like Eggos."

El perked up. "Get that instead?"

Mike laughed. "Sure, whatever you want."

Mike paid for the funnel cake, then he and El walked to a bench and sat. El bit into the funnel cake and broke into a smile.

"You like it?" Mike grinned.

El nodded, her mouth still full. Powdered sugar got on her face and Mike went back and got some napkins.

 As soon as El had wiped her face, someone pushed Mike from behind. Mike fell, hitting the ground hard. 

Mike swore and turned around. "What do you want?"

An older kid, the one who had pushed Mike, laughed. "To watch an idiot fall. And look, I saw one!"

Mike growled. 

El stood and said "Leave him alone."

"Wow, making your girlfriend stand up for you? What a loser."

If looks could kill, Mike would have ended the boy's life right then and there. "Don't mess with me or her."

"Why not?" The boy cackled. "What'll you do? Cry on me?"

El tilted her head down. Suddenly, the boy gasped. A trickle of liquid ran down his leg. "Hey! What's happening?" He ran off. El smirked and wiped her nose with the napkins. Mike smiled at her. 

"Back to your old tricks, El?" Mike asked, remembering the time El had made Troy wet his pants at their school.

"Worked last time," El said, and shrugged.

"Thanks," Mike said.

"It's what friends are for," El replied, remembering a TV show where the same line had been spoken.

"Do you want to try the Ferris Wheel?"

"What is... Ferris Wheel?"

"You ride up and around that," Mike pointed to the Ferris Wheel, slowly moving. "It's fun!"

"Ok," El said, a bit nervous but also a little excited.

Mike led El to the metal ride and they paid the toll.

The two got into a car and the ride began to move again. Eland Mile peered over the sides of the car.

"When we get to the top, we'll be able to see all of Hawkins," Mike said enthusiastically.

"Really?" El asked

"Well, maybe not all of Hawkins. It's just a ploy to get more money but that's not the point- Hey, look at the sunset!"

Indeed, the sun had begun to set over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the entire fairgrounds. As they reached the top, the colors if the sky were magnificent, all different hues of  pink, gold, orange, purple, and blue.

Mike and El looked over the edge of the Ferris wheel and gasped. The town of Hawkins spread out like a map before them. Mike eagerly pointed out different spots they both had been to.

When the Ferris wheel came down, both hopped out of the car with dazzled but happy expressions.

Then Mike checked his watch and freaked out.  "Oh frig! Steve's gonna kill us!"

El and Mike sprinted back past the food stand, through the vendors, and down to the parking lot. Sure enough, Steve was waiting.

"Sorry Steve," Mike breathlessly said, opening the door and throwing himself in. "We lost track of time."

"Here," El said, handing Steve the Tiger. "Thanks"

"Thanks. Did you kids have a good time?"

"Yes," El smiled

"The best time I've ever had at the Carnival ," Mike said.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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