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-knock at door

YN : *opens* CHRES YOUR BACK HOME I MISSED YOU *goes for kiss*

Chres: *dodges it and walks in * not just gonna get off that easily we need to talk first to get some things straight

Yn: I understand babe I know what I did was wrong and you may still hate me I made the wrong decision and wasn't paying attention and the past 3 days hasn't been right with you here and I also have been getting sick lately I just can't miss another day witho- GCO

Chres:*kisses YN * I just can't miss another day without you , I love you YN and I know it wasn't all your fault but you have to be careful for now on because this relationship is to good to just let go .. And I think you already got forgiven *laughs*

YN : I will watch and be mindful and just know I love you forever and I will never let you go

Chres: I love you too

The moment gets messed up by YN running into the bathroom

Chres: baby , are you ok ?

YN : NO, *throwing up*

Chres: what happened

YN: I don't know chres just take me to the freaking doctor or hospital I'm in too much pain and I want to find out what's wrong with me

Chres: ok , ok

YN : and stop by mcdonalds to get me something to eat I'm starving

Chres: you were just eating spaghetti when I came in

YN : I don't care I'm still hungry

Chres: something's diffrent about you but whatever you say

-at the doctors-

Doctor breaunna- YN

YN : here

Doctor bre: follow me please so we can get you checked

YN : *mouth full* ok

-in the office-

Doctor bre- chres what have you noticed in YN that's not usual

Chres: well she has been throwing up , mood change , and craving food like crazy

Doctor bre - hmm have you two had any sex lately

Chres: well we had sex a week ago and she accidentally got drunk and a guy brought her home and he had sex with her but I don't like talking about that

Doctor bre- ah it's ok I have a few results one she may be pregnant or two she is over craving and eating too much that she is throwing up

Chres & YN : PREGNANT !

Doctor bre- yes let me check her stomach

Doctor bre rubs jel on YN stomach and rubs it around and on the screen there shows that we are having a baby !!

Doctor bre - congratulations mama your pregnant and your 5 weeks

Chres: this Is great !

YN : I wasn't expecting this but it's the best day of my life ! I have to tell everyone

Doctor bre - thanks for coming and have a blessed day and to find the gender of the baby come next week

YN &chres: ok thank you !

Once we got home we called everyone over to tell them the big news

-at home

Chres : I'm so happy baby we gonna have a beautiful family now

YN : yes now while we waiting let's think of names for a boy and a girl so when we know the gender we will know what the name will be

Chres : good I idea if it's a boy it's name can be James , jay , Nasir , Anthony

YN : I like jay

Chres : ok , if it's a girl ?

YN : if it's a girl her name could be samirah , Lourdes, Angela , or Alex

Chres : Lourdes

YN : ok , so we all set for names doin we gotta start decorating the room and buying clothes and toots and food

Chres : baby relax I got this all you just keep our baby Healthy *kisses stomach *

YN : Awww, I love you ❤️

Chres : I love you too

-Knock knock

I know I left you hanging & I know this is a shortie but the next one is gonna be a lot of thinking and madness and love but it's gonna be cool next chapter coming soon

Need 2 girl that's reading this to be prodigys & princetons girl friend comment if ya want




Thanks for all my support on this story

I love you guys and

Peace behaviors ✌️💕

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